Office Lighting - Improve Productivity | Modern, Traditional
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  • Lámpara colgante Macarrón

    $160.00 $260.00 $160.00 - $260.00

    Limited Time: Get 10% off your order

    ILUMINA HERMOSAMENTE Y MODERNIZA TU ESPACIO La lámpara colgante Macaron está disponible en una asombrosa variedad de acabados coloridos. La innovad...

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    $160.00 $260.00 $160.00 - $260.00

    Limited Time: Get 10% off your order

  • Araña Munira

    $550.00 $1,060.00 $550.00 - $1,060.00

    Limited Time: Get 10% off your order


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    $550.00 $1,060.00 $550.00 - $1,060.00

    Limited Time: Get 10% off your order

  • Lámpara de techo Photine

    $66.00 $90.00 $66.00 - $90.00

    Limited Time: Get 10% off your order

    UNA SOLUCIÓN DE ILUMINACIÓN EFICAZ PARA TU LUGAR QUE ES SIMPLE, PRÁCTICA Y POTENTE La lámpara de techo Photine brindará estilo y una excelente ilum...

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    $66.00 $90.00 $66.00 - $90.00

    Limited Time: Get 10% off your order

  • Araña Marianne

    $940.00 $1,290.00 $940.00 - $1,290.00

    Limited Time: Get 10% off your order


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    $940.00 $1,290.00 $940.00 - $1,290.00

    Limited Time: Get 10% off your order

  • Lámpara colgante Canyen

    $400.00 $760.00 $400.00 - $760.00

    Limited Time: Get 10% off your order

    mIlumina tu espacio monótono con este colgante sutilmente único y minimalista La lámpara colgante Canyen tiene una forma elegante, flexible y mínim...

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    $400.00 $760.00 $400.00 - $760.00

    Limited Time: Get 10% off your order

  • Lámpara colgante Laetus

    $63.00 $63.00

    Limited Time: Get 10% off your order

    ILUMINA TU HOGAR CON VIBRANCIA Y BELLEZA MODERNA La lámpara colgante Laetus está disponible en una asombrosa variedad de acabados coloridos. La inn...

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    $63.00 $63.00

    Limited Time: Get 10% off your order

  • Araña de halo

    $330.00 $1,370.00 $330.00 - $1,370.00

    Limited Time: Get 10% off your order

    ILUMINA TU HOGAR CON LUZ Y ELEGANCIA El Halo es una lámpara de araña elegante y contemporánea con una pantalla LED integrada en forma de anillo. La...

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    $330.00 $1,370.00 $330.00 - $1,370.00

    Limited Time: Get 10% off your order

  • Isabel Pendant Light

    $120.00 $120.00

    Limited Time: Get 10% off your order

    INFUSE WARMTH, STYLE, AND NORDIC CHARM INTO EVERY SPACE Upgrade your interior or exterior lighting with the Isabel Pendant Light, a stunning fixtur...

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    $120.00 $120.00

    Limited Time: Get 10% off your order

  • Luz colgante al anochecer

    $250.00 $250.00

    Limited Time: Get 10% off your order

    CUALQUIER HABITACIÓN SE VERÁ HERMOSA CON ESTAS LUCES COLGANTES DE CRISTAL La lámpara colgante Dusk brindará estilo y una excelente iluminación a tu...

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    $250.00 $250.00

    Limited Time: Get 10% off your order

  • Lámpara de techo Azora

    $150.00 $450.00 $150.00 - $450.00

    Limited Time: Get 10% off your order

    ENTRA EN UN REINO DE ELEGANCIA CON ESTE ELEGANTE ACCESORIO DE ILUMINACIÓN La lámpara de techo Azora revitaliza cualquier espacio que adorne con su ...

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    $150.00 $450.00 $150.00 - $450.00

    Limited Time: Get 10% off your order

  • Lámpara colgante Marisol

    $400.00 $560.00 $400.00 - $560.00

    Limited Time: Get 10% off your order

    UN COMPLEMENTO CONTEMPORÁNEO Y EXQUISITO PARA TU INTERIOR Refresca la atmósfera de tu área con la lámpara colgante Marisol. Con su llamativo diseño...

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    $400.00 $560.00 $400.00 - $560.00

    Limited Time: Get 10% off your order

  • Lámpara de techo Manaia

    $66.00 $110.00 $66.00 - $110.00

    Limited Time: Get 10% off your order

    UNA LÁMPARA DE TECHO REALMENTE VERSÁTIL QUE MARCA TU ESPACIO La lámpara de techo Manaia encarna el minimalismo, la elegancia y el brillo absoluto, ...

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    $66.00 $110.00 $66.00 - $110.00

    Limited Time: Get 10% off your order

  • Lámpara colgante Fysallida

    $110.00 $430.00 $110.00 - $430.00

    Limited Time: Get 10% off your order


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    $110.00 $430.00 $110.00 - $430.00

    Limited Time: Get 10% off your order

  • Lámpara colgante Omorfia

    $63.00 $100.00 $63.00 - $100.00

    Limited Time: Get 10% off your order

    AGREGA ESTE COLGANTE DE ESTILO CONTEMPORÁNEO PARA ACENTUAR TU ÁREA DE VIVIENDA En comparación con las luces convencionales utilizadas como decoraci...

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    $63.00 $100.00 $63.00 - $100.00

    Limited Time: Get 10% off your order

  • Lámpara colgante de ratán Nest

    $290.00 $480.00 $290.00 - $480.00

    Limited Time: Get 10% off your order

    Invite una apariencia natural y terrosa a su cocina, oficina o entrada con la lámpara de araña Nest Rattan. Completo con una pantalla de ratán tren...

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    $290.00 $480.00 $290.00 - $480.00

    Limited Time: Get 10% off your order

  • Lámpara colgante Cahya

    $1,040.00 $1,040.00

    Limited Time: Get 10% off your order


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    $1,040.00 $1,040.00

    Limited Time: Get 10% off your order

  • Lámpara colgante Ivana

    $72.00 $220.00 $72.00 - $220.00

    Limited Time: Get 10% off your order


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    $72.00 $220.00 $72.00 - $220.00

    Limited Time: Get 10% off your order

  • Astris Pendant Light

    $370.00 $640.00 $370.00 - $640.00

    Limited Time: Get 10% off your order

    Astris - Illuminate Your Space With Style    The Astris Pendant Light is a modern light fixture with a sleek, dome-shaped shade made of acrylic a...

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    $370.00 $640.00 $370.00 - $640.00

    Limited Time: Get 10% off your order

  • Araña Zahara

    $530.00 $1,220.00 $530.00 - $1,220.00

    Limited Time: Get 10% off your order

     MUESTRA LA BELLEZA DE LA ARTESANÍA Y LOS MATERIALES NATURALES La Zahara Chandelier encarna la esencia del diseño moderno. La lámpara está construi...

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    $530.00 $1,220.00 $530.00 - $1,220.00

    Limited Time: Get 10% off your order

  • Lámpara colgante Malin

    $510.00 $630.00 $510.00 - $630.00

    Limited Time: Get 10% off your order

    DONDE EL LUJO MINIMALISTA BRILLA CON UNA LUZ EXQUISITA La lámpara colgante Malin ejemplifica la sofisticación refinada, con un cuerpo totalmente de...

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    $510.00 $630.00 $510.00 - $630.00

    Limited Time: Get 10% off your order

  • NordLite Chandelier

    $590.00 $590.00

    Limited Time: Get 10% off your order

    TRANSFORM YOUR SPACES WITH NORDIC SIMPLICITY AND CONTEMPORARY ILLUMINATION Unveiling the NordLite Modern Chandelier—a culmination of Scandinavian ...

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    $590.00 $590.00

    Limited Time: Get 10% off your order

  • Lámpara colgante Cocoon de ratán tejida a mano

    $120.00 $190.00 $120.00 - $190.00

    Limited Time: Get 10% off your order

    La sostenibilidad y el diseño se unen Invite una apariencia natural y terrosa a su cocina, oficina o entrada con el colgante Cocoon de ratán tejido...

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    $120.00 $190.00 $120.00 - $190.00

    Limited Time: Get 10% off your order

    Ahorre hasta 33% Ahorre %
  • Edwin Downlight

    $140.00 $210.00 $140.00 - $210.00

    Limited Time: Get 10% off your order

    EXPERIENCE ADAPTABILITY WITH PERSONALIZED LIGHTING CONTROL The Edwin Downlight epitomizes contemporary elegance, emitting a soft and captivating lu...

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    $140.00 $210.00 $140.00 - $210.00

    Limited Time: Get 10% off your order

  • Araña Aaliyah

    $340.00 $1,110.00 $340.00 - $1,110.00

    Limited Time: Get 10% off your order

    ¡DONDE LAS CURVAS FASCINANTES SE ENCUENTRAN CON UN BRILLO RADIANTE! La lámpara de araña Aaliyah imbuirá su espacio con una infusión de elegancia ul...

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    $340.00 $1,110.00 $340.00 - $1,110.00

    Limited Time: Get 10% off your order

  • Vahni Pendant Light

    $65.00 $91.00 $65.00 - $91.00

    Limited Time: Get 10% off your order

    VAHNIElegant Light Fixture For Modern Spaces And Interiors The Vahni Pendant Light is an elegant and modern light fixture crafted from durable iron...

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    $65.00 $91.00 $65.00 - $91.00

    Limited Time: Get 10% off your order

  • Zaki Smart Ceiling Light & Fan

    $560.00 $560.00

    Limited Time: Get 10% off your order

    HORIZONS OF STYLE, SMART ASCENDANCY Introducing the Zaki Smart Ceiling Light & Fan - the perfect combination of style and function...

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    $560.00 $560.00

    Limited Time: Get 10% off your order

  • Nival Ceiling Light

    $276.00 $377.00 $276.00 - $377.00

    Limited Time: Get 10% off your order

    Nival - Enhance Your Space With A Modern Circular Light Fixture The Nival Ceiling Light is a modern light fixture made from durable acrylic and alu...

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    $276.00 $377.00 $276.00 - $377.00

    Limited Time: Get 10% off your order

  • Stelra Pendant Light

    $455.00 $1,200.00 $455.00 - $1,200.00

    Limited Time: Get 10% off your order

    STELRAProvides Both Functional Illumination & A Striking Visual Element The Stelra Pendant Light is a sculptural light fixture crafted fro...

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    $455.00 $1,200.00 $455.00 - $1,200.00

    Limited Time: Get 10% off your order

  • Lida Pendant Light

    $460.00 $460.00

    Limited Time: Get 10% off your order

    LIDAElegant Light Fixture For Ambient Illumination In Spaces The Lida pendant light is an elegant and modern light fixture crafted from durable iro...

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    $460.00 $460.00

    Limited Time: Get 10% off your order

  • Marek Ceiling Light

    $175.00 $175.00

    Limited Time: Get 10% off your order

    MAREKElegant aluminum light with geometric design for contemporary spaces The Marek Ceiling Light is a modern light fixture crafted from durable al...

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    $175.00 $175.00

    Limited Time: Get 10% off your order

  • Nyrah Pendant Light

    $155.00 $155.00

    Limited Time: Get 10% off your order

    NYRAHElegant Aluminum Pendant Light For Stylish Indoor Ambiance The Nyrah Pendant Light is crafted from durable aluminum and steel, emphasizing mod...

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    $155.00 $155.00

    Limited Time: Get 10% off your order

  • Kirmizi Pendant Light

    $410.00 $410.00

    Limited Time: Get 10% off your order

    KIRMIZI Illuminates Any Space With Contemporary Elegance Kirmizi Pendant Light is a perfect addition to your dining rooms, bedrooms, kitchens, a...

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    $410.00 $410.00

    Limited Time: Get 10% off your order

  • Mudil Linear Chandelier

    $1,010.00 $1,010.00

    Limited Time: Get 10% off your order

    LIGHT UP LIFE WITH PRACTICAL STYLE The Mudil Linear Chandelier offers a sophisticated, modern style that will enhance any space. Constructed from r...

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    $1,010.00 $1,010.00

    Limited Time: Get 10% off your order

  • Mudil Oval Chandelier

    $1,500.00 $2,110.00 $1,500.00 - $2,110.00

    Limited Time: Get 10% off your order

    LIGHT UP LIFE WITH PRACTICAL STYLE The Mudil Oval Chandelier offers a sophisticated, modern style that will enhance any space. Constructed from res...

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    $1,500.00 $2,110.00 $1,500.00 - $2,110.00

    Limited Time: Get 10% off your order

  • Montauk Pendant Light

    $1,510.00 $1,510.00

    Limited Time: Get 10% off your order

    EXPERIENCE AGED BRASS LIKE NEVER BEFORE Features: Aged Brass Elegance: Each Montauk Pendant Light is crafted from genuine brass, aged to perfecti...

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    $1,510.00 $1,510.00

    Limited Time: Get 10% off your order

  • Zahir Chandelier

    $870.00 $1,580.00 $870.00 - $1,580.00

    Limited Time: Get 10% off your order

    Zahir - Combines Glamour and Contemporary Design    The Zahir Chandelier features a unique and sculptural design with cascading layers of overlapp...

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    $870.00 $1,580.00 $870.00 - $1,580.00

    Limited Time: Get 10% off your order

  • Lámpara colgante nouveau

    $120.00 $150.00 $120.00 - $150.00

    Limited Time: Get 10% off your order

    LA VIBRANCIA Y LA BELLEZA MODERNA AHORA PUEDEN ILUMINAR SU HERMOSO HOGAR La lámpara colgante Nouveau está disponible en una asombrosa variedad de a...

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    $120.00 $150.00 $120.00 - $150.00

    Limited Time: Get 10% off your order

    Ahorre hasta 35% Ahorre %
  • Lámpara colgante Amyah

    $950.00 $1,080.00 $950.00 - $1,080.00

    Limited Time: Get 10% off your order

    UNA LUZ ESCULPIDA ATRACTIVO QUE ROBA LA ATENCIÓN DE CUALQUIER ENTORNO  La Amyah Lámpara colgante es una lámpara contemporánea que realza el ambient...

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    $950.00 $1,080.00 $950.00 - $1,080.00

    Limited Time: Get 10% off your order

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best type of lighting for an office?

The best office lighting is a combination of ambient, task, and accent lighting. LED lights are often recommended for their energy efficiency and adjustable brightness.

Are LED lights better for office use?

Yes, LED lights are better for office use due to their energy efficiency, long lifespan, and the ability to offer various color temperatures to suit different tasks.

What are some modern trends in office lighting design?

Current trends include biophilic design, flexible lighting options like dimmable LEDs, and the use of sustainable materials in fixtures.

Should office lighting be dimmable?

Yes, dimmable lighting is highly beneficial in an office setting as it allows for adjustments based on different tasks and times of the day.

Do you offer adjustable lighting options for office spaces?

Yes, we offer several adjustable lighting solutions, including dimmable LED fixtures and task lights that can be directed as needed to create the perfect lighting environment for any task.

How can I reduce eye strain in the office with lighting?

To reduce eye strain, use task lighting at each workstation, ensure proper brightness levels, and avoid glare by positioning lights correctly.

How do I choose the right color temperature for office lighting?

Cooler color temperatures (around 5000K) are ideal for office lighting as they mimic daylight and can help increase alertness and focus.

Can lighting affect productivity in the office?

Absolutely, proper lighting can significantly enhance productivity by reducing eye strain, improving mood, and creating an environment conducive to focus and creativity.

What are some tips for choosing decorative lighting for an office?

When choosing decorative lighting, ensure it complements the office's overall design while providing sufficient illumination. Consider statement pieces that reflect your brand's personality.

What styles of office lighting do you offer?

Our office lighting collection features a variety of styles, from modern and minimalist designs to more classic and traditional options, ensuring there’s something to suit every office decor.

The Ultimate Office Lighting Buyers Guide

Lighting is one of the most critical aspects of an office environment. It affects everything from employee productivity to the overall ambiance of the space. Historically, office lighting has evolved from the use of natural light and simple desk lamps to advanced lighting systems that offer both functionality and aesthetic appeal. The modern office lighting trends focus on energy efficiency, flexibility, and design aesthetics.

Significant Historical Facts About Office Lighting

Office lighting has come a long way since the early days of workspaces. Initially, natural light was the primary source, supplemented by oil lamps and candles. The invention of the electric light bulb revolutionized office environments, allowing for extended work hours and the development of more complex lighting designs. In the mid-20th century, fluorescent lighting became the norm in offices due to its efficiency and bright, cool light. Today, LED lighting is the standard, offering energy efficiency, longevity, and a wide range of design possibilities.

Trends of Office Lighting in Today's Design World

Modern office lighting trends emphasize the balance between form and function. There's a strong focus on adjustable lighting solutions, such as dimmable LED fixtures and task lighting that can be tailored to individual needs. Another trend is the incorporation of biophilic design elements, which aim to bring the outdoors inside by using natural light and fixtures that mimic natural forms. Sustainable and energy-efficient lighting options are also in high demand as businesses strive to reduce their carbon footprint.

Significant Office Lighting Examples

Some of the most iconic office spaces around the world are defined by their lighting. For instance, the Google headquarters are known for their innovative use of lighting that enhances creativity and comfort. The Apple Park campus also showcases a blend of natural and artificial lighting, designed to maximize energy efficiency while providing a pleasant working environment. These examples show how thoughtful lighting design can elevate a workspace, making it not only functional but also inspiring.

Tips on How to Style with Office Lighting Fixtures

  • Layer Your Lighting: Combine ambient, task, and accent lighting to create a well-rounded lighting scheme that meets all the needs of your workspace.
  • Use Task Lighting: Ensure that each workstation has sufficient task lighting to reduce eye strain and increase productivity.
  • Incorporate Dimmable Fixtures: Dimmable lights allow for flexibility, enabling you to adjust the lighting according to different tasks and times of the day.
  • Consider Aesthetics: Choose fixtures that complement your office decor, whether it's modern, traditional, or somewhere in between.
  • Focus on Energy Efficiency: Opt for LED lighting solutions to save on energy costs and reduce your environmental impact.