Wall Sconce Lights | Residential & Hospitality Lighting – Residence Supply
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  • Lámpara de pared LED para exterior Helios

    $95.00 $475.00 $80.75 - $403.75

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

    AGREGUE CARÁCTER INSTANTÁNEAMENTE A SU HOGAR CON SU ATRACTIVO MODERNO PERO ATEMPORAL La Helios La lámpara de pared es un accesorio de iluminación e...

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    $95.00 $475.00 $80.75 - $403.75

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

    Ahorre hasta 48% Ahorre %
  • Lámpara de pared Helain

    $95.00 $485.00 $80.75 - $412.25

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'


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    $95.00 $485.00 $80.75 - $412.25

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

  • Skyline Wall Lamp

    $160.00 $470.00 $136.00 - $399.50

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

    Skyline - Revitalize Your Space With Modern And Elegant Lighting The Skyline Wall Lamp is a radiant fusion of modern design and ambient lighting t...

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    $160.00 $470.00 $136.00 - $399.50

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

  • Huwai Outdoor Wall Lamp

    $230.00 $340.00 $195.50 - $289.00

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

    Huwai - Illuminates Outdoor Spaces While Adding Contemporary Elegance  Brighten up your garden with our Huwai Wall Lamp that blends classic and mod...

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    $230.00 $340.00 $195.50 - $289.00

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

  • Lámpara de pared exterior Selene

    $550.00 $1,210.00 $467.50 - $1,028.50

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

    ILUMINAR TU ÁREA EXTERIOR DE FORMA EFICIENTE Y EFICIENTE CON ESTA LÁMPARA DE PARED La lámpara de pared para exterior Selene es estéticamente agrada...

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    $550.00 $1,210.00 $467.50 - $1,028.50

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

  • Lámpara de pared Astro Luna

    $200.00 $1,010.00 $170.00 - $858.50

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

    TRAE LA GALAXIA A TU PROPIA CASA La lámpara decorativa Astro es una pieza moderna y llamativa. Los diseños de la luna y la tierra están retroilumin...

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    $200.00 $1,010.00 $170.00 - $858.50

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

    Ahorre hasta 50% Ahorre %
  • Lámpara de pared Aine

    $300.00 $255.00

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'


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    $300.00 $255.00

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

  • Lámpara de pared Avivah

    $18.00 $63.00 $15.30 - $53.55

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

    ACENTUA TU ESPACIO Y DÉ VIDA CON UN BRILLO ILUMINADOR Con una estética minimalista y contemporánea, la lámpara de pared Avivah crea sin esfuerzo un...

    Ver todos los detalles
    $18.00 $63.00 $15.30 - $53.55

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

  • Lámpara de pared pensil

    $110.00 $310.00 $93.50 - $263.50

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

    ILUMINA TU HABITACIÓN DE UNA FORMA MODERNA Y ELEGANTE   La Pensile Lámpara de pared es la luz ideal para cualquier habitación con su diseño geométr...

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    $110.00 $310.00 $93.50 - $263.50

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

  • Lámpara de pared Cecilia

    $160.00 $136.00

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

    ESTA LÁMPARA POSMODERNA ES ABSOLUTAMENTE LLAMA LA ATRACCIÓN La lámpara de pared Cecelia crea un ambiente rico y estimulante al tiempo que agrega ca...

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    $160.00 $136.00

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

  • Lámpara de pared Petra

    $280.00 $238.00

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

    LÁMPARA QUE DA UNA APARIENCIA REFINADA Y Etérea A CUALQUIER ÁREA Cuando está encendida, la lámpara de pared Petra exhibe una belleza abstracta y es...

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    $280.00 $238.00

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

  • Lámpara de pared Nidia

    $80.00 $190.00 $68.00 - $161.50

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'


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    $80.00 $190.00 $68.00 - $161.50

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

  • Meir Wall Lamp

    $72.00 $61.20

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

    Meir - Infuse Your Space with Sophistication and Allure Elevate your space with the Meir Wall Lamp, a minimal and fashionable lighting solution th...

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    $72.00 $61.20

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

  • Lámpara de pared Lucio

    $260.00 $221.00

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

    ESTA LÁMPARA DE PARED UBER CHIC LE DARÁ A TU ESPACIO EL TOQUE FINAL QUE NECESITA  La lámpara de pared Lucio hará que tu espacio sea más opulento y ...

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    $260.00 $221.00

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

  • Lámpara de pared colgante Entice

    $140.00 $119.00

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

    FORMA ELEGANTE Y SENCILLA DE ILUMINAR TU HABITACIÓN La Entice Lámpara de pared colgante es una alternativa atractiva a las lámparas tradicionales. ...

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    $140.00 $119.00

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

  • Aqris Travertine Wall Lamp

    $515.00 $437.75

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

    AQRISAdd Elegance And Warmth With The Aqris Wall Lamp Aqris Travertine Wall Lamp combines a glowing glass sphere with a base crafted from yel...

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    $515.00 $437.75

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

  • Jenal Wall Lamp

    $610.00 $518.50

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

    JENALProvides Warm, Indirect Illumination With A Soft Perimeter Glow The Jenal Wall Lamp is a sculptural light fixture that combines organic traver...

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    $610.00 $518.50

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

  • Tauri Travertine Wall Lamp

    $152.00 $129.20

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

     TAURIEnhances Space With Ambient Lighting, LED Bulb, Travertine And Glass With Elegant Design The Tauri Travertine Wall Lamp is an excellent craft...

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    $152.00 $129.20

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

  • Lurma Travertine Wall Lamp

    $335.00 $400.00 $284.75 - $340.00

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

    Lurma - Enhance Your Space with The Elegant Lurma Travertine Wall Lamp Lurma Travertine Wall Lamp is a refined light fixture combining natural trav...

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    $335.00 $400.00 $284.75 - $340.00

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

  • Lámpara de pared Mireille

    $240.00 $204.00

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

    UN INICIAL DE CONVERSACIÓN DEFINITIVA PARA CUALQUIER INTERIOR DE CASA La Mireille Lámpara de pared presenta una forma geométrica estilizada, unific...

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    $240.00 $204.00

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

  • Lámpara de pared Indira

    $120.00 $102.00

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

    ELEVA EL ATRACTIVO DE LAS PAREDES DE TU HOGAR CON ESTA PIEZA ABSOLUTAMENTE DESTACADA La lámpara de pared Indira no solo agrega una hermosa fuente d...

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    $120.00 $102.00

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

  • Lámpara de pared Lior

    $110.00 $93.50

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

     EXPERMENTA LA COMBINACIÓN PERFECTA DE ESTILO Y FUNCIONALIDAD La lámpara de pared Lior es una pequeña lámpara de pared cuadrada, elegante y atempor...

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    $110.00 $93.50

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

  • Indira Outdoor Wall Lamp

    $99.95 $335.95 $84.96 - $285.56

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

    Indira - Stunning Outdoor Illumination The Indira Outdoor Wall Lamp is not just an illumination source; it's an enhancement to the ambiance of yo...

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    $99.95 $335.95 $84.96 - $285.56

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

  • Lámpara de pared de haz

    $51.00 $110.00 $43.35 - $93.50

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'


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    $51.00 $110.00 $43.35 - $93.50

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

  • Lámpara de pared Sunniva

    $300.00 $460.00 $255.00 - $391.00

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

     ENVUELVE TU CASA CON UN ACENTO LUMINOSO Y ELEGANTE La lámpara de pared Sunniva es una sinfonía de minimalismo, modernidad y belleza cautivadora. D...

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    $300.00 $460.00 $255.00 - $391.00

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

  • Lámpara de pared Lena

    $130.00 $180.00 $110.50 - $153.00

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

    INCORPORA UN TOQUE EXQUISITO DE OPULENCIA MODERNA A TU ENTORNO La lámpara de pared Lena es una impresionante obra maestra que combina una iluminaci...

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    $130.00 $180.00 $110.50 - $153.00

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

  • Hanen Alabaster Wall Sconce

    $460.00 $1,800.00 $391.00 - $1,530.00

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

    HANENServes As A Focal Point In Your Home's Decor This Alabaster Wall Sconce is a special light that looks like something from outer space, makin...

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    $460.00 $1,800.00 $391.00 - $1,530.00

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

  • Cutar Alabaster Wall Sconce

    $580.00 $493.00

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

    CUTAREnhances Your Living Space With A Modern And Minimalist Aesthetic This fixture blends modern style with a minimalist touch, perfect for bright...

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    $580.00 $493.00

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

  • Lámpara de pared Ansu

    $510.00 $433.50

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

    LÁMPARA QUE LLENA TU ESPACIO DE RESPLANDOR Y ENCANTO ETERNO La Ansu Lámpara de pared emana refinamiento moderno al tiempo que resalta la belleza na...

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    $510.00 $433.50

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

  • Lámpara de pared Yohana

    $260.00 $350.00 $221.00 - $297.50

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

    EL MEJOR ACENTO PARA ELEVAR EL ESTILO DE TU HOGAR La lámpara de pared Yohana es una combinación inspirada de sofisticación, lujo y aplomo sin esfue...

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    $260.00 $350.00 $221.00 - $297.50

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

  • Orbis Alabaster Wall Lamp

    $790.00 $671.50

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

    ORBISIlluminates Your Space With Ethereal Alabaster Elegance Its one-of-a-kind design combines artistry and illumination to cast an ethereal glow t...

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    $790.00 $671.50

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

  • Solen Alabaster Wall Sconce

    $2,010.00 $1,708.50

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

    SOLENProvides Soft Ambient Lighting This Wall Sconce epitomizes modern design, combining a metal frame with alabaster material for a soft, ambient...

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    $2,010.00 $1,708.50

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

  • Lámpara de pared Paradisa

    $130.00 $200.00 $110.50 - $170.00

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

    ILUMINA CON GRACIAS TU ESPACIO CON BELLEZA REFINADA Descubre la lámpara de pared Paradisa, una pieza llamativa que llena tu habitación con minimali...

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    $130.00 $200.00 $110.50 - $170.00

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

  • Lámpara de pared de golondrina

    $260.00 $380.00 $221.00 - $323.00

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

    TRAE A CASA LAS MEJORES AVES DE LA CIUDAD SIN NINGUN TRABAJO Estas lámparas BirdLight son simplemente preciosas, tanto cuando la luz está encendida...

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    $260.00 $380.00 $221.00 - $323.00

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

  • Lámpara de pared Theia

    $160.00 $180.00 $136.00 - $153.00

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

    ESTA BELLEZA OPULENTA ELEVARÁ TU ESPACIO VITAL El Theia Aplique de Pared es igualmente bello y funcional, tanto cuando la luz está encendida como c...

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    $160.00 $180.00 $136.00 - $153.00

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

  • Lámpara de pared Ceres

    $190.00 $530.00 $161.50 - $450.50

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

    TRANSFORMA EL ENTORNO DE TU HOGAR CON ESTA LUMINARIA ENCANTADORA Y CAUTIVADORA Construida completamente en cobre con un acabado de latón cepillado ...

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    $190.00 $530.00 $161.50 - $450.50

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

  • Lámpara de pared Envisage

    $100.00 $110.00 $85.00 - $93.50

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

    LLEVA A CASA LA ENcarnación del estilo clásico y el humor contemporáneo Estas lámparas Envisage son simplemente preciosas, tanto cuando la luz está...

    Ver todos los detalles
    $100.00 $110.00 $85.00 - $93.50

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

  • Lámpara de pared Ezio

    $59.00 $60.00 $50.15 - $51.00

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'


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    $59.00 $60.00 $50.15 - $51.00

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

  • Lámpara de pared Ellie

    $100.00 $230.00 $85.00 - $195.50

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

    RESALTA LAS CARACTERÍSTICAS MÁS DESTACADAS DE TU INTERIOR CON ESTE MODERNO APLIQUE El encanto inconfundible de la Ellie Lámpara de pared llamará la...

    Ver todos los detalles
    $100.00 $230.00 $85.00 - $195.50

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

  • Lámpara de pared Femi

    $37.00 $180.00 $31.45 - $153.00

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

    UNA SOLUCIÓN DE ILUMINACIÓN CONTEMPORÁNEA PARA TODOS LOS HOGARES La lámpara de pared Femi es donde la practicidad y el atractivo estético convergen...

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    $37.00 $180.00 $31.45 - $153.00

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

  • Caeli Wall Lamp

    $770.00 $654.50

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

    CAELISophisticated style, easy installation, versatile illumination Caeli Wall Lamp is a sleek fusion of style and practicality. With its modern ...

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    $770.00 $654.50

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

  • Pulcro - Aplique

    $210.00 $230.00 $178.50 - $195.50

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

    ESTA IMPRESIONANTE LÁMPARA DE PARED REALZARÁ LA BELLEZA DE TUS PAREDES Haz que tu espacio sea encantador y elegante con el Pulcro - Lámpara de pare...

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    $210.00 $230.00 $178.50 - $195.50

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

  • Uslub Wall Lamp

    $130.00 $110.50

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

    Uslub - Modern Function Meets Fashionable Glow   Illuminate your space with sophistication and style using our Modern LED Uslub Wall Lamp. The eleg...

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    $130.00 $110.50

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

  • Oira Wall Lamp

    $275.00 $233.75

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

    OIRACrafted From Durable Alabaster And Brass For Long-Lasting Quality And Style The Oira Wall Lamp is a sophisticated light fixture made from alaba...

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    $275.00 $233.75

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

  • Lámpara de pared Natalia

    $280.00 $290.00 $238.00 - $246.50

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

    UNA ADICIÓN ADORABLEMENTE ELEGANTE PARA CUALQUIER INTERIOR DE CASA Experimente la belleza etérea pura con la lámpara de pared Natalia, una elección...

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    $280.00 $290.00 $238.00 - $246.50

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

  • Orivexa Wall Lamp

    $480.00 $408.00

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

    Orivexa - Elevate Ambiance With Minimalist Design And Soft Lighting The Orivexa Wall Lamp is a vertical light fixture combining copper and alabas...

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    $480.00 $408.00

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

  • Lámpara de pared Ena

    $110.00 $93.50

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

    LÁMPARA QUE MEJORA TUS PAREDES CON UN LUJO SUTIL Con líneas elegantes y geometría refinada, la lámpara de pared Ena presenta una placa posterior re...

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    $110.00 $93.50

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

  • Lámpara de pared exterior Aelina

    $150.00 $200.00 $127.50 - $170.00

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

    INFUNDA TU ESPACIO CON GRACIA Y ELEGANCIA Aelina Wall Lamp es una lámpara de pared moderna que es la pieza decorativa ideal para todo tipo de decor...

    Ver todos los detalles
    $150.00 $200.00 $127.50 - $170.00

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the benefits of installing wall sconce lights?

Wall sconces free up floor and table space, making them ideal for smaller rooms or hallways. They also provide focused or ambient lighting to enhance the room’s atmosphere without overwhelming the decor.

Do these wall sconces come with different bulb options?

Most sconces support LED, incandescent, or CFL bulbs, depending on the fixture. Check the product specifications to confirm bulb compatibility and ensure you achieve your desired brightness and energy efficiency.

Can I use wall sconces as a primary light source in a room?

Depending on the design and brightness, wall sconces can serve as general or task lighting. However, larger rooms often benefit from a combination of ceiling fixtures, floor lamps, or table lamps alongside sconces for balanced illumination.

Do you offer ADA-compliant wall sconces?

We carry a variety of ADA-compliant fixtures, which are designed to extend less than 4 inches from the wall for hallway or commercial use. Check each product description to see if it meets ADA requirements.

What maintenance do wall sconces require?

Typically just a wipe down with a soft cloth or mild cleaner to remove dust and fingerprints. Avoid using harsh chemicals, especially on metallic or painted finishes, to preserve the fixture’s appearance.

Are wall sconces suitable for hotel or commercial spaces?

Absolutely. Many wall sconces are designed with commercial durability in mind, offering robust construction and timeless styles that blend seamlessly into hotel lobbies, corridors, and guest rooms.

How do I install a wall sconce if there’s no existing wiring?

Installation typically requires a junction box behind the fixture. If your wall lacks the necessary wiring, you may need a professional electrician to safely retrofit the space and comply with local electrical codes.

Are dimmable wall sconce options available?

Yes. Many modern wall sconces are compatible with dimmer switches, allowing you to adjust the light intensity. Just make sure your chosen bulbs and the fixture support dimming functionality.

How should I choose the right style of wall sconce?

Consider your space’s overall decor and color palette. Minimalist metal sconces fit modern interiors, while sconces with decorative shades or antique finishes complement traditional spaces.

Can I purchase these sconces in bulk for a renovation project?

Yes. We offer bulk purchasing options and can help you find the perfect wall sconce lights to meet commercial or large-scale residential needs. Contact our sales team for pricing and lead times.

Elevate Your Interiors with Modern wall sconce lights

wall sconce lights are a stylish and practical way to brighten hallways, living rooms, and commercial corridors. At Residence Supply, we offer a curated selection designed for both residential and hospitality settings. By combining sleek design with energy-efficient technology, our wall sconces deliver the perfect blend of form and function.

Choosing the Right Wall Sconce for Your Space

When selecting a wall sconce, consider factors like design style, material, and lighting needs. Minimalist metal sconces complement modern or industrial décors, while fabric-shaded or ornate sconces suit classic interiors. Also, pay attention to the sconce's dimensions—narrow profiles work best for tight hallways, while more substantial designs can be focal points in open rooms.

Location Matters

Common installation spots include bedside areas, entryways, and bathrooms. For hotel hallways, ensure the sconces meet any local code or ADA requirements if needed. Proper placement ensures a functional light source that also enhances the visual appeal of your space.

Bulb Compatibility and Energy Efficiency

Many of our wall sconces are compatible with LED bulbs, which deliver excellent brightness while minimizing energy costs. If mood lighting is a priority, consider dimmable fixtures for added flexibility. Always check product specs to ensure you select the right bulb type for safe and efficient operation.

Installation Tips

While some wall sconces can be plugged in for easy setup, hardwired installations typically require an electrician for best results. Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions and local electrical codes to guarantee safety and compliance.

Maintenance and Care

Regular dusting and gentle cleaning keep your wall sconces looking new. Use a soft, lint-free cloth to wipe away debris and take extra care around bulbs or delicate finishes. By following these simple steps, you’ll enjoy long-lasting illumination for years to come.