Boho Light Fixture | Residence Supply
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  • Lámpara colgante Castañea

    $130.00 $200.00 $110.50 - $170.00

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

    AGREGUE MUCHA ESTÉTICA DE DISEÑO A SU HOGAR CON UN ESTILO BÁSICO Y NATURALISTA La lámpara colgante Castanea agregará elegancia e iluminación superi...

    Ver todos los detalles
    $130.00 $200.00 $110.50 - $170.00

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

  • Lychnos Pendant Light

    $230.00 $940.00 $195.50 - $799.00

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

    Lychnos - Stylish and Adjustable Illumination  A fusion of Southeast Asian craftsmanship and vintage elegance. Handcrafted rattan design, inspired...

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    $230.00 $940.00 $195.50 - $799.00

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

  • Lámpara colgante Nori

    $18.00 $170.00 $15.30 - $144.50

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

    ELEVA TU DECORACIÓN Y TRANSFORMA TU ESPACIO EN UN MUNDO DE ENCANTO La lámpara colgante Nori es una lámpara cautivadora inspirada en destinos exótic...

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    $18.00 $170.00 $15.30 - $144.50

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

  • Lámpara colgante de ratán Balance

    $410.00 $500.00 $348.50 - $425.00

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

    Invite una apariencia natural y terrosa a su cocina, oficina o entrada con la lámpara de araña Balance Rattan. Completo con una pantalla de ratán...

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    $410.00 $500.00 $348.50 - $425.00

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

  • Lámpara de Pie Inara

    $630.00 $1,610.00 $535.50 - $1,368.50

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

    ESTA LÁMPARA SIN DUDA SE CONVIERTE EN UNA PIEZA ELEGANTE Y FUNCIONAL EN SU HOGAR Creando la impresión de una gran lámpara de mesa Inara La lámpara ...

    Ver todos los detalles
    $630.00 $1,610.00 $535.50 - $1,368.50

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

  • Lámpara colgante Candila

    $450.00 $780.00 $382.50 - $663.00

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

    LÁMPARA QUE REPRESENTA UN ENFOQUE TOTALMENTE CONTEMPORÁNEO DE LA ILUMINACIÓN Una pieza contemporánea, la lámpara colgante Candila tiene la aparienc...

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    $450.00 $780.00 $382.50 - $663.00

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

  • Lion Head Wall Lamp

    $270.00 $650.00 $229.50 - $552.50

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

    Unlock Sophisticated Illumination with This Stunning Light Light up your space with the Lion Head Wall Lamp, an exquisitely designed light fixture...

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    $270.00 $650.00 $229.50 - $552.50

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

  • Lámpara colgante de ratán Nest

    $290.00 $480.00 $246.50 - $408.00

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

    Invite una apariencia natural y terrosa a su cocina, oficina o entrada con la lámpara de araña Nest Rattan. Completo con una pantalla de ratán tren...

    Ver todos los detalles
    $290.00 $480.00 $246.50 - $408.00

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

  • Colección de lámparas colgantes de ratán Oasis

    $80.00 $740.00 $68.00 - $629.00

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

    MEJORA TU DISEÑO INTERIOR CON UN TOQUE CLÁSICO El bambú es un material perfecto para accesorios de iluminación porque complementa todos los esti...

    Ver todos los detalles
    $80.00 $740.00 $68.00 - $629.00

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

    Ahorre hasta 37% Ahorre %
  • Lámpara colgante de concha marina

    $280.00 $530.00 $238.00 - $450.50

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

     QUEDARÁS FASCINADO POR LA INCREÍBLE FUSIÓN DE ESTILO Y DETALLES DE ESTA LÁMPARA COLGANTE La lámpara colgante Seashell agregará un ambiente único y...

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    $280.00 $530.00 $238.00 - $450.50

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

  • Araña Zahara

    $530.00 $1,220.00 $450.50 - $1,037.00

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

     MUESTRA LA BELLEZA DE LA ARTESANÍA Y LOS MATERIALES NATURALES La Zahara Chandelier encarna la esencia del diseño moderno. La lámpara está construi...

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    $530.00 $1,220.00 $450.50 - $1,037.00

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

  • Lámpara colgante Zuri

    $620.00 $527.00

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

    INFUNDA UN VIBO BOHEMIO MODERNO EN TU HOGAR CON ESTA LUMINARIA La lámpara colgante Zuri es una pieza decorativa atemporal que también funciona com...

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    $620.00 $527.00

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

  • Lámpara colgante Cucurbita

    $160.00 $640.00 $136.00 - $544.00

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

    SIMPLEMENTE TE ENCANTARÁ EL AMBIENTE TRANQUILO Y RELAJANTE QUE EMANA ESTA LÁMPARA En cualquier entorno contemporáneo, la lámpara colgante Cucurbita...

    Ver todos los detalles
    $160.00 $640.00 $136.00 - $544.00

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

  • Lámpara de jardín exterior Benjiro

    $610.00 $990.00 $518.50 - $841.50

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

     ¡TRANSFORMA TU ESPACIO EXTERIOR EN UN OASIS DE RELAJACIÓN Y ESTILO! La Benjiro Lámpara de jardín para exteriores es un acento ideal para cualquier...

    Ver todos los detalles
    $610.00 $990.00 $518.50 - $841.50

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

  • Asalu Pendant Light

    $920.00 $1,180.00 $782.00 - $1,003.00

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

    ASALU Transforms Your Space Into A Haven A Of Warm And Stylish Lighting Asalu Pendant Light is a ...

    Ver todos los detalles
    $920.00 $1,180.00 $782.00 - $1,003.00

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

    Ahorre hasta 8% Ahorre %
  • Lámpara de pared Portia

    $340.00 $630.00 $289.00 - $535.50

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

    UNA MÉLANGE MODA DE SOFISTICACIÓN Y ESTÉTICA BRUTA La lámpara de pared Portia presenta un diseño puro y atemporal, con un cuerpo de resina de colo...

    Ver todos los detalles
    $340.00 $630.00 $289.00 - $535.50

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

  • Lámpara colgante Cocoon de ratán tejida a mano

    $120.00 $190.00 $102.00 - $161.50

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

    La sostenibilidad y el diseño se unen Invite una apariencia natural y terrosa a su cocina, oficina o entrada con el colgante Cocoon de ratán tejido...

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    $120.00 $190.00 $102.00 - $161.50

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

    Ahorre hasta 33% Ahorre %
  • Lámpara colgante Bodhi

    $250.00 $860.00 $212.50 - $731.00

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

    CAPACITA A TUS INVITADOS Y TRANSFORMA TU MORADA EN UN ESPACIO INOLVIDABLE Bodhi La lámpara colgante es una pieza decorativa atemporal elaborada con...

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    $250.00 $860.00 $212.50 - $731.00

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

  • Akairo Pendant Light

    $440.00 $470.00 $374.00 - $399.50

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

    Akairo - Traditional Craftsmanship with Modern Aesthetics The sleek metal frame and delicate rice paper lampshade blend traditional craftsmanshi...

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    $440.00 $470.00 $374.00 - $399.50

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

  • Lámpara colgante Guang

    $160.00 $570.00 $136.00 - $484.50

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

    CREA EL AMBIENTE PERFECTO Y CAUSA UNA IMPRESIÓN INOLVIDABLE Guang La lámpara colgante, con su diseño elegante, exhibe una luz bellamente cautivador...

    Ver todos los detalles
    $160.00 $570.00 $136.00 - $484.50

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

  • Lámpara colgante Celestia

    $610.00 $1,070.00 $518.50 - $909.50

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

    TRANSFORMA CUALQUIER LUGAR EN UN PARAÍSO CELESTIAL  Celestia La lámpara colgante es una luminaria elegante y de buen gusto que genera una atmósfera...

    Ver todos los detalles
    $610.00 $1,070.00 $518.50 - $909.50

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

  • Patinka Pendant Light

    $1,130.00 $1,610.00 $960.50 - $1,368.50

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

    Patinka - Modern Design And Elegance Patinka Pendant Light is an elegant and creative lighting solution perfect for any space. Crafte...

    Ver todos los detalles
    $1,130.00 $1,610.00 $960.50 - $1,368.50

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

  • Arga Pendant Light

    $1,220.00 $1,490.00 $1,037.00 - $1,266.50

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

    ARGA Illuminate Your Space With Warmth For A Cozy Atmosphere Arga Pendant Light is a perfect blend of modern style and ti...

    Ver todos los detalles
    $1,220.00 $1,490.00 $1,037.00 - $1,266.50

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

  • Aubrey Pendant Light

    $700.00 $1,000.00 $595.00 - $850.00

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

    Aubrey - Experience The Wonder Of Nature The Aubrey Pendant Light is crafted from high-quality resin in the form of a long branch, complete with ...

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    $700.00 $1,000.00 $595.00 - $850.00

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

  • Linterna de suelo Akio

    $270.00 $640.00 $229.50 - $544.00

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

    ILUMINA TU INTERIOR CON ELEGANCIA Y ESTILO DISCRETOS Infunda a su hogar un ambiente tranquilo y agradable con la lámpara de piso Akio. Resalta una ...

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    $270.00 $640.00 $229.50 - $544.00

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

  • Linterna de suelo Akari

    $50.00 $80.00 $42.50 - $68.00

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

    ILUMINAR TU MUNDO CON LUJO Y FINURA Akari Floor Lantern agrega un aura elegante a una variedad de espacios. Hecho a mano con bambú de primera cali...

    Ver todos los detalles
    $50.00 $80.00 $42.50 - $68.00

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

  • Suspen Chandelier

    $630.00 $800.00 $535.50 - $680.00

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

    SUSPENEnhance Your Space Aesthetics With A Sophisticated Design Brighten up your home with our beautiful chandelier, combining Japanese design wi...

    Ver todos los detalles
    $630.00 $800.00 $535.50 - $680.00

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

  • Pankh Ceiling Light

    $480.00 $930.00 $408.00 - $790.50

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

    ARTISAN TOUCH, HANDCRAFTED GLOW Light up your space with this unique Pankh Ceiling light. Its Nordic rattan art petal design adds a vintage touch, ...

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    $480.00 $930.00 $408.00 - $790.50

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

  • Yishan Pendant Light

    $1,250.00 $1,530.00 $1,062.50 - $1,300.50

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

    YISHAN Illuminate Your Surroundings With This Creative And Versatile Light Yishan Pendant Light is a modern designer piece that brin...

    Ver todos los detalles
    $1,250.00 $1,530.00 $1,062.50 - $1,300.50

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

  • Avesta Pendant Light

    $840.00 $1,560.00 $714.00 - $1,326.00

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

    AVESTA Enhances Ambiance By Emitting Warm, Captivating Light For Versatile Living Spaces Avesta Pendant Light is a handcrafted ma...

    Ver todos los detalles
    $840.00 $1,560.00 $714.00 - $1,326.00

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

  • Mesraq Pendant Light

    $770.00 $1,300.00 $654.50 - $1,105.00

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

    MESRAQ Adorn Your Space By Fusing Traditional Charm With Modern Ambiance Crafted with intricate bamboo weaving, these lights create a warm and i...

    Ver todos los detalles
    $770.00 $1,300.00 $654.50 - $1,105.00

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

  • Walha Pendant Light

    $1,240.00 $1,054.00

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

    WALHA Illuminate Your Space With Elegance And Cultural Authenticity Walha Pendant Light is a blend of beautiful design an...

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    $1,240.00 $1,054.00

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

  • Darba Pendant Light

    $770.00 $1,450.00 $654.50 - $1,232.50

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

    DARBA Illuminate Your Space And Make A Statement In Your Surroundings Darba Pendant Light is a beautifully handmade ratta...

    Ver todos los detalles
    $770.00 $1,450.00 $654.50 - $1,232.50

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

    Ahorre hasta 23% Ahorre %
  • Lámpara de ratán de araña de bambú

    $490.00 $2,130.00 $416.50 - $1,810.50

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

    La lámpara de araña de bambú para sus habitaciones La lámpara de araña de bambú de ratán está diseñada con una pantalla de linterna de bambú, ...

    Ver todos los detalles
    $490.00 $2,130.00 $416.50 - $1,810.50

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

    Ahorre hasta 46% Ahorre %
  • Odeon Table Lamp

    $560.00 $476.00

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

    Odeon - Offers Elegant Design With Soft, Ambient Lighting   The Odeon Table Lamp features a sleek aluminum frame with a fabric drum shade, creating...

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    $560.00 $476.00

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

  • Seneca Pendant Light

    $410.00 $348.50

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

    Seneca - Elevates Spaces With Sculptural, Fluid, And Balanced Design   The Seneca Pendant Light showcases a sculptural wave-like iron frame with an...

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    $410.00 $348.50

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

  • Odeon Pendant Light

    $470.00 $399.50

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

    Odeon - Minimalist Design Enhances Spaces With Soft and Balanced Glow   The Odeon Pendant Light features a wide fabric drum shade and a sleek alum...

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    $470.00 $399.50

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

  • Rassa Wall Lamp

    $200.00 $170.00

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

    Rassa - Elevate Your Decor with the Rustic Charm of Rassa Lamp Rassa Wall Lamp is a natural light fixture crafted from bamboo and rattan with hemp ...

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    $200.00 $170.00

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

  • Atiya Pendant Light

    $285.00 $290.00 $242.25 - $246.50

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

    ATIYA Perfect For Creating A Warm, Inviting Atmosphere In Any Room Atiya Pendant Light combines natural rattan with a metal frame, creating a st...

    Ver todos los detalles
    $285.00 $290.00 $242.25 - $246.50

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

  • Astoria Ceiling Light

    $370.00 $932.00 $314.50 - $792.20

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

    ASTORIAOffers Minimalist Elegance, Soft Lighting, And Functionality The Astoria Ceiling Light is a minimalist light fixture crafted from high-quali...

    Ver todos los detalles
    $370.00 $932.00 $314.50 - $792.20

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

  • Lyras Pendant Light

    $125.00 $106.25

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

    LYRAS Stylish Bamboo Pendant Lights For Warm, Modern Interior Elegance Lyras Pendant Light is a stylish light fixture that features a woven bamboo ...

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    $125.00 $106.25

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

  • Acrelis Pendant Light

    $620.00 $527.00

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

    ACRELIS Unique Layered Glass For Bold Interiors The Acrelis Pendant Light is a sculptural glass light fixture with a vibrant color fini...

    Ver todos los detalles
    $620.00 $527.00

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

  • Naaz Floor Lamp

    $740.00 $1,220.00 $629.00 - $1,037.00

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

    NAAZProviding Bold Style and Soft Ambient Lighting The Naaz Floor Lamp is a striking modern light fixture, featuring a unique sculptural design cra...

    Ver todos los detalles
    $740.00 $1,220.00 $629.00 - $1,037.00

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

  • Gilded Pendant Light

    $580.00 $493.00

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

    GILDED Elegant Fan-Inspired Design The Gilded Pendant Light showcases an elegant, fan-inspired design crafted with precision from high-...

    Ver todos los detalles
    $580.00 $493.00

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

  • Valis Pendant Light

    $490.00 $625.00 $416.50 - $531.25

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

    VALISOffers Timeless Elegance And Warm Lighting The Valis pendant light features a soft, elegant design made from high-quality cloth, with a u...

    Ver todos los detalles
    $490.00 $625.00 $416.50 - $531.25

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

  • Hetis Pendant Light

    $670.00 $800.00 $569.50 - $680.00

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

    HETIS Provides Diffused Ambient Lighting While Enhancing Interiors The Hetis Pendant Light is a sophisticated light fixture crafted from durable i...

    Ver todos los detalles
    $670.00 $800.00 $569.50 - $680.00

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

  • Cyveris Pendant Light

    $145.00 $123.25

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

    CYVERISEco-Friendly Elegance With Modern Craftsmanship For Ambient Lighting Perfection The Cyveris Pendant Light blends eco-conscious craftsma...

    Ver todos los detalles
    $145.00 $123.25

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

  • Aerlux Pendant Light

    $195.00 $165.75

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

    AERLUXEco-Friendly Elegance Meets Modern Design For Unique Ambient Lighting The Aerlux Pendant Light is a unique combination of modern and eco...

    Ver todos los detalles
    $195.00 $165.75

    Limited Time: Get 15% off with code 'SPRING15'

Frequently Asked Questions

What materials are used in the boho light fixture?

Our boho light fixtures are thoughtfully crafted using natural materials like rattan, fabric, and wood. These elements are chosen for their texture, warmth, and organic appeal, creating lighting solutions that bring a touch of nature into your home while enhancing the room’s atmosphere.

What are the dimensions of the boho light fixture?

Our boho light fixtures come in a range of sizes to accommodate various spaces. Whether you need a statement piece for a large room or a more subtle fixture for smaller spaces, we offer different dimensions to suit your needs. Specific measurements can be provided upon request to ensure a perfect fit.

What are the benefits of choosing a boho light fixture over other styles?

Boho light fixtures offer a unique blend of natural textures and eclectic design, creating a relaxed, cozy atmosphere in any room. Their organic materials like rattan and wood bring a sense of warmth and authenticity that other styles may not provide. Additionally, their versatility makes them suitable for a wide range of interiors, from modern to rustic.

How does the boho light fixture add value to a home?

A boho light fixture not only provides functional illumination but also enhances the aesthetic appeal of your home. Its timeless design and use of natural materials add character and warmth to any room. As a unique, statement piece, it can elevate the overall ambiance and contribute to a stylish, cozy atmosphere, increasing the value of your space.

What maintenance is required to keep the boho light fixture in top condition?

To maintain the beauty of your boho light fixture, regularly dust it with a soft cloth to prevent buildup of dirt and debris. Avoid using harsh cleaning chemicals or abrasive materials that could damage the delicate wood and rattan elements. Routine checks of the electrical components are also recommended to ensure optimal performance.

How durable is the boho light fixture?

The boho light fixtures are designed for long-lasting durability. Constructed from sturdy materials like rattan and wood, they are made to withstand everyday use while retaining their beauty. Proper maintenance ensures that these fixtures provide lasting aesthetic value for years to come.

Is the boho light fixture compatible with standard home electrical systems?

Yes, the boho light fixtures are fully compatible with standard home electrical systems. They are designed to work with typical wiring setups and can be easily installed in most residential properties. They are compatible with a variety of bulbs and electrical configurations.

Can the boho light fixture be used in both modern and traditional home settings?

Yes, the boho light fixture is highly versatile and can be seamlessly integrated into both modern and traditional home settings. Its natural materials and neutral tones allow it to complement a variety of design styles, from contemporary minimalist to classic and vintage interiors.

Are there any special installation requirements for the boho light fixture?

Our boho light fixtures are designed for easy installation, and there are no special requirements beyond standard electrical wiring. However, it’s always recommended to have a professional electrician install the fixture to ensure proper installation and safety.

How does the boho light fixture contribute to the overall aesthetic of a room?

The boho light fixture contributes significantly to the aesthetic of a room by adding texture, warmth, and character. Its natural materials, such as rattan and wood, create an inviting atmosphere that is perfect for creating a cozy, eclectic vibe. The unique design elements make it a striking focal point while complementing a variety of home décor styles.

Discover the Charm of Boho Lighting

Experience the elegance of boho light fixtures. Each piece is meticulously crafted with premium materials like rattan, fabric, and wood, ensuring durability and aesthetic appeal. Inspired by heritage design, our boho light fixture seamlessly blends traditional artistry with modern sophistication. Whether you’re looking to illuminate your space or add a touch of elegance, our collection offers a refined selection to complement any home. Perfect for homeowners, interior designers, and luxury builders, these boho light fixtures are more than just fixtures—they are heirloom-quality investments. Elevate your home with thoughtfully designed boho light fixtures that add warmth, character, and a sense of history. Experience the perfect balance of beauty and function, crafted to stand the test of time. Explore our curated selection and find the perfect boho light fixture to enrich your space with enduring style and sophistication.

Why Choose Boho Lighting?

Boho Lighting offers a unique blend of style, functionality, and versatility. Each piece is designed to enhance your space and reflect your personal taste. Whether your interior style leans towards modern minimalism or rustic charm, boho lighting provides options to match your vision.

Key Features of Boho Lighting

  • Premium materials and craftsmanship
  • Variety of styles to suit different tastes
  • Easy integration into existing décor
  • Designed for durability and lasting appeal

Integrating Boho Lighting Into Your Home

Whether you're redecorating your entire home or updating a single room, boho lighting can effortlessly complement various interiors. Here are a few ideas to integrate these fixtures:

  • Use them as focal points in living rooms or dining areas
  • Create stylish accents in bedrooms or entryways
  • Combine them with fixtures from related collections to enhance visual interest

Explore Related Collections

To fully realize your interior design vision, consider pairing boho lighting with pieces from our related collections:

Care and Maintenance Tips

To maintain the elegance and functionality of your Boho Lighting, follow these simple tips:

  • Regularly dust and clean with a soft cloth
  • Avoid harsh cleaning agents that could damage finishes
  • Schedule routine inspections for fixtures with electrical components

Final Thoughts

Boho Lighting from Residence Supply is designed to elevate your home décor with timeless beauty and modern functionality. Explore our collection today to find the perfect fixtures for your space.