Living Room Light Fixtures | Residence Supply
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  • Lámpara colgante colgante

    $150.00 $250.00 $150.00 - $250.00

     ESTA LUZ COLGANTE LE DARÁ A TU HABITACIÓN UNA SENSACIÓN VIVA Y ENERGÉTICA La lámpara colgante Dangle aporta un carácter divertido a tu entorno. Co...

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    $150.00 $250.00 $150.00 - $250.00
  • Lámpara colgante de plumas de ganso

    $110.00 $130.00 $110.00 - $130.00

    APROVECHE LA BELLEZA Y LA CALIDEZ SOSTENIBLES Miles de plumas de ganso rodean el núcleo brillante de la lámpara colgante Goose Feather, un diseño q...

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    $110.00 $130.00 $110.00 - $130.00
    Ahorre hasta 57% Ahorre %
  • Araña Funale

    $260.00 $920.00 $260.00 - $920.00

    TE PRESENTAMOS AL PINÁCULO DEL GLAMOUR Y LA OPULENCIA Compacto pero majestuoso, el candelabro Funale , con su estructura de vela invertida, es una ...

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    $260.00 $920.00 $260.00 - $920.00
    Ahorre hasta 37% Ahorre %
  • Lámpara colgante Akosia

    $50.00 $70.00 $50.00 - $70.00

    UNA EXPERIENCIA DE ILUMINACIÓN TRASCENDENTE PARA ESPACIOS MODERNOS La lámpara colgante Akosia es donde la sofisticación y el brillo se entrelazan a...

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    $50.00 $70.00 $50.00 - $70.00
  • Lámpara de pared colgante Entice

    $140.00 $140.00

    FORMA ELEGANTE Y SENCILLA DE ILUMINAR TU HABITACIÓN La Entice Lámpara de pared colgante es una alternativa atractiva a las lámparas tradicionales. ...

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    $140.00 $140.00
  • Lámpara Arvore

    $670.00 $13,790.00 $670.00 - $13,790.00

    LA ELEGANCIA NATURAL DE ESTA LÁMPARA HARÁ LAS DELICIAS EN TU ESPACIO Con su diseño extraído de la naturaleza, Arvore Chandelier representa el espír...

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    $670.00 $13,790.00 $670.00 - $13,790.00
  • Lámpara colgante Foglia

    $240.00 $780.00 $240.00 - $780.00

    ESTA LÁMPARA ORGÁNICAMENTE DESIGUAL TE GANARÁ EL CORAZÓN La lámpara colgante Foglia es una pieza llamativa contemporánea que presenta una pantalla ...

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    $240.00 $780.00 $240.00 - $780.00
  • Lámpara de araña Vanna

    $220.00 $950.00 $220.00 - $950.00

    CREA UN AMBIENTE INOLVIDABLE CON EL ENCANTADOR ATRACTIVO DE ESTA LÁMPARA Libera la esencia de la elegancia con la lámpara de araña Vanna. Su diseño...

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    $220.00 $950.00 $220.00 - $950.00
  • Araña de diente de león

    $350.00 $530.00 $350.00 - $530.00

    AGREGUE UN GLITZ CLÁSICO PERO CONTEMPORÁNEO A SU SALA, COMEDOR Y MÁS ALLÁ Con su opulenta elegancia, el Dandelion Chandelier le dará a su decoració...

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    $350.00 $530.00 $350.00 - $530.00
  • Lámpara de araña Rabiah

    $810.00 $1,050.00 $810.00 - $1,050.00

    DONDE EL ESPLENDOR Y EL ENCANTO CONVERGEN EN UNA ARMONÍA FASCINANTE La lámpara de araña Rabiah es una declaración impresionante para el interior de...

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    $810.00 $1,050.00 $810.00 - $1,050.00
  • Araña de cristal

    $610.00 $820.00 $610.00 - $820.00

    ESTA LÁMPARA HARÁ QUE TU ESPACIO VIVIENTE SEA REAL La Kristal Candelabro añade un toque de glamour elegante a su espacio interior con sus lámparas ...

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    $610.00 $820.00 $610.00 - $820.00
  • Representar lámpara de araña

    $300.00 $380.00 $300.00 - $380.00

    ¡AGREGA UN LOOK DE DISEÑADOR MODERNO A CUALQUIER HABITACIÓN QUE QUIERAS! La luz brilla desde la estructura metálica geométrica del Depict Candelab...

    Ver todos los detalles
    $300.00 $380.00 $300.00 - $380.00
  • Araña de burbujas

    $660.00 $920.00 $660.00 - $920.00


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    $660.00 $920.00 $660.00 - $920.00
  • Araña de balas

    $810.00 $2,700.00 $810.00 - $2,700.00

    ESTA LLAMATIVA LLAMATIVA HARÁ QUE TU INTERIOR SEA GLAMOROSO  El candelabro Bales añade un toque de lujo a su espacio sin dejar de ser elegante y pr...

    Ver todos los detalles
    $810.00 $2,700.00 $810.00 - $2,700.00
  • Sakhra Round Alabaster Chandelier

    $1,440.00 $5,220.00 $1,440.00 - $5,220.00

    Sakhra - Provides Soft And Warm Illumination While Showcasing The Natural Beauty This Chandelier highlights natural beauty and minimalist design. I...

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    $1,440.00 $5,220.00 $1,440.00 - $5,220.00
  • Lámpara colgante Phoebus

    $100.00 $150.00 $100.00 - $150.00

    DÉ A SU INTERIOR UN ASPECTO ELEGANTE Y SOFISTICADO La Phoebus Pendant Light es una lámpara colgante vintage de estilo industrial con un acabado de ...

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    $100.00 $150.00 $100.00 - $150.00
  • Lámpara colgante Edna

    $27.00 $70.00 $27.00 - $70.00

    UNA FORMA MÍNIMA Y ELEGANTE DE INTEGRAR ILUMINACIÓN DE ESTILO INDUSTRIAL EN SU HOGAR La lámpara colgante Edna es donde el encanto industrial ocupa ...

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    $27.00 $70.00 $27.00 - $70.00
  • Eikon Chandelier

    $1,430.00 $3,560.00 $1,430.00 - $3,560.00

    EIKONCreates A Soft And Ambient Glow Within Spaces Our chandelier showcases hand-raked glass panels set within a sleek metal frame. These panels cr...

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    $1,430.00 $3,560.00 $1,430.00 - $3,560.00
  • Lámpara colgante deslumbrante

    $120.00 $940.00 $120.00 - $940.00

    ILUMINACIÓN QUE CREA UNA AMBIENTE DE CHIC Y RELAJACIÓN La lámpara colgante Glitzy agregará un toque de diseño a su decoración con su suntuosa elega...

    Ver todos los detalles
    $120.00 $940.00 $120.00 - $940.00
  • NordLite Chandelier

    $590.00 $590.00

    TRANSFORM YOUR SPACES WITH NORDIC SIMPLICITY AND CONTEMPORARY ILLUMINATION Unveiling the NordLite Modern Chandelier—a culmination of Scandinavian ...

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    $590.00 $590.00
  • Libbu Chandelier

    $1,420.00 $1,910.00 $1,420.00 - $1,910.00

    Libbu - A Touch Of Luxury   Libbu chandelier has a metal frame with acrylic heads, available in 6 and 8-head versions. It comes in two colors, ...

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    $1,420.00 $1,910.00 $1,420.00 - $1,910.00
  • Aula Pendant Light

    $180.00 $200.00 $180.00 - $200.00

    Aula - Ambient Lighting With A Touch Of Natural Beauty   Enhance your home with our stylish Pendant Light, available in black, white, and green...

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    $180.00 $200.00 $180.00 - $200.00
  • Eikon 2-Tier Chandelier

    $2,020.00 $4,950.00 $2,020.00 - $4,950.00

    EIKONCreates A Soft And Ambient Glow Within Spaces Our chandelier showcases hand-raked glass panels set within a sleek metal frame. These panels cr...

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    $2,020.00 $4,950.00 $2,020.00 - $4,950.00
  • Lámpara colgante Fania

    $140.00 $310.00 $140.00 - $310.00

    Irradie belleza moderna y brillo brillante en sus espacios vitales Introduzca un ambiente elegante y contemporáneo en varias áreas de su hogar con ...

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    $140.00 $310.00 $140.00 - $310.00
  • Lámpara colgante con encanto celestial

    $320.00 $380.00 $320.00 - $380.00

    AGREGUE UN ELEMENTO DRAMÁTICO A SU HOGAR CON ESTA LÁMPARA FLUIDA Y ELEGANTE El diseño ondulado y el aspecto llamativo de la Celestial Charm Lámpara...

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    $320.00 $380.00 $320.00 - $380.00
  • Lámpara de araña Danica

    $960.00 $2,090.00 $960.00 - $2,090.00

    UNA PIEZA EXQUISITAMENTE DETALLADA QUE LLENA LA HABITACIÓN CON UN RESPLANDOR ETERÉREO La impresionantemente magnífica Danica Chandelier personifica...

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    $960.00 $2,090.00 $960.00 - $2,090.00
  • Reverie Chandelier Light

    $490.00 $1,250.00 $490.00 - $1,250.00

    REVERIE Illuminate and Adorn Spaces with Modern Elegance Upgrade your home with our Reverie Chandelier Light designed to effor...

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    $490.00 $1,250.00 $490.00 - $1,250.00
  • Basit Metal Chandelier

    $480.00 $480.00

    AESTHETIC SYMPHONY Light up your living room in style with the Basit Metal Chandelier. This modern pendant light adds a touch of elegance to any ro...

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    $480.00 $480.00
  • Tiferet Leather Pendant Light

    $370.00 $640.00 $370.00 - $640.00

    TIFERETIlluminate Your Surroundings With This Sophisticated Masterpiece It is a perfect blend of chic design and practical lighting. The sl...

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    $370.00 $640.00 $370.00 - $640.00
  • Luz colgante de gemas

    $100.00 $220.00 $100.00 - $220.00

    UNA HERMOSA ADICIÓN CRISTALINA A SU HOGAR MODERNO La lámpara colgante Gem ahora agregará un toque lujoso a su hogar. Está fabricado con hierro de a...

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    $100.00 $220.00 $100.00 - $220.00
  • Araña Lenora

    $2,970.00 $5,310.00 $2,970.00 - $5,310.00

     ESTA LUJOSA LÁMPARA DE CRISTAL AGREGARÁ ESE ELEMENTO WOW MUY NECESARIO A TU ESPACIO La Lenora Chandelier es un sofisticado accesorio de iluminació...

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    $2,970.00 $5,310.00 $2,970.00 - $5,310.00
  • Teyara Pendant Light

    $210.00 $225.00 $210.00 - $225.00

    Teyara - Sleek Aluminum Light Fixture For Modern And Industrial Interiors The Teyara Pendant Light features a sleek, elongated aluminum design that...

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    $210.00 $225.00 $210.00 - $225.00
  • Tovara Pendant Light

    $805.00 $805.00

    Tovara - Bold Modern Glass Iron Light Fixture For Stylish Interiors The Tovara Pendant Light combines glass and iron in a bold, modern design. Its ...

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    $805.00 $805.00
  • Levira Pendant Light

    $265.00 $265.00

    Levira - Modern Glass Light Fixture With Bold Industrial Design The Levira Pendant Light is a modern glass light fixture with an industrial edge, f...

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    $265.00 $265.00
  • Lumin Chandelier

    $430.00 $430.00

    Lumin - Wood And Iron Light Fixture With Geometric Design The Lumin Chandelier is a unique light fixture made of wood and iron, featuring a geometr...

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    $430.00 $430.00
  • Sorcha Pendant Light

    $300.00 $410.00 $300.00 - $410.00

    Sorcha - Modern Geometric Light Fixture Enhancing Contemporary Spaces Elegantly The Sorcha Pendant Light is a modern light fixture featuring a sphe...

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    $300.00 $410.00 $300.00 - $410.00
  • Skynir Chandelier

    $1,385.00 $1,465.00 $1,385.00 - $1,465.00

    Skynir - Modern Light Fixture With Polished Metal Spheres, Sleek Design The Skynir Chandelier is a modern light fixture made from alloy and iron, f...

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    $1,385.00 $1,465.00 $1,385.00 - $1,465.00
  • Fiona Chandelier

    $320.00 $450.00 $320.00 - $450.00

    Fiona - Modern Geometric Light Fixture With Floating Layered Rings The Fiona Chandelier is a modern light fixture made from aluminum and iron, feat...

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    $320.00 $450.00 $320.00 - $450.00
  • Irides Pendant Light

    $530.00 $925.00 $530.00 - $925.00

    Irides - Bold Asymmetrical Light Fixture With Adjustable Suspension And Glow The Irides Pendant Light is a bold, asymmetrical light fixture with a ...

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    $530.00 $925.00 $530.00 - $925.00
  • Naros Pendant Light

    $132.00 $147.00 $132.00 - $147.00

    Naros - Geometric Iron Light Fixture Enhancing Interiors With Timeless Design The Naros Pendant Light features a geometric open-frame design with a...

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    $132.00 $147.00 $132.00 - $147.00
  • Fethr Chandelier

    $650.00 $1,050.00 $650.00 - $1,050.00

    Fethr - Iron Light Fixture With Bold Modern Industrial Design The Fethr Chandelier is an iron light fixture with a bold, sculptural design featurin...

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    $650.00 $1,050.00 $650.00 - $1,050.00
  • Reni Chandelier

    $2,895.00 $5,910.00 $2,895.00 - $5,910.00

    Reni - Light Fixture With Rustic Design And Elegant Glow The Reni Chandelier is a rustic light fixture crafted from iron and wood, featuring gracef...

    Ver todos los detalles
    $2,895.00 $5,910.00 $2,895.00 - $5,910.00
  • Olvenis Chandelier

    $1,430.00 $3,930.00 $1,430.00 - $3,930.00

    Olvenis - Artistic Illumination With Cascading Glass And Metallic Elegance The Olvenis Chandelier is a statement light fixture crafted from metal...

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    $1,430.00 $3,930.00 $1,430.00 - $3,930.00
  • Kara Pendant Light

    $1,200.00 $2,670.00 $1,200.00 - $2,670.00

    Kara - Modern Sculptural Light Fixture Enhancing Contemporary Interior Spaces The Kara Pendant Light crafted from a durable iron and aluminum alloy...

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    $1,200.00 $2,670.00 $1,200.00 - $2,670.00
  • Epona Pendant Light

    $360.00 $360.00

    Epona - Scalloped Amber Shade Elevates Elegant Interior Ambient Lighting The Epona Pendant Light showcases a scalloped amber glass shade that casts...

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    $360.00 $360.00
  • Soynix Chandelier

    $1,890.00 $4,060.00 $1,890.00 - $4,060.00

    Soynix - Transform Spaces With Artistic Light And Bold Design The Soynix Chandelier features a striking blend of stainless steel and hand-crafted...

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    $1,890.00 $4,060.00 $1,890.00 - $4,060.00
  • Kaelen Chandelier

    $2,555.00 $3,210.00 $2,555.00 - $3,210.00

    Kaelen - Showcases Modern Elegance With Copper Frame And Alabaster Shade The Kaelen Chandelier features a sleek copper frame with a refined alabast...

    Ver todos los detalles
    $2,555.00 $3,210.00 $2,555.00 - $3,210.00
  • Arsinoe Chandelier

    $880.00 $950.00 $880.00 - $950.00

    Arsinoe - Offers Modern Elegance With Adjustable Height And Style   The Arsinoe Chandelier features a sleek iron frame and undulating acrylic shade...

    Ver todos los detalles
    $880.00 $950.00 $880.00 - $950.00

Frequently Asked Questions

What materials are used in the construction of these living room light fixtures?

Our living room light fixtures are crafted from premium materials such as solid brass, glass, metal, and wood. These high-quality materials ensure durability, enhance aesthetic appeal, and provide a sophisticated finish suitable for luxury interiors.

What are the dimensions of the available light fixtures?

The dimensions vary depending on the design, with options ranging from compact fixtures suitable for smaller spaces to large statement pieces designed for spacious living rooms. Many fixtures feature adjustable heights, ensuring versatility for different ceiling types. Detailed measurements are available upon request.

What are the recommended use cases for these light fixtures?

These fixtures are designed for a variety of applications, including ambient lighting for cozy living spaces, statement lighting to enhance focal points, accent lighting to highlight artwork, and layered lighting designs for a balanced and well-lit interior.

Can these fixtures be customized to fit specific interior design themes?

Yes, several of our living room light fixtures offer customization options, including different finishes, sizes, and configurations. This allows homeowners and designers to tailor the lighting to match their unique interior design preferences.

How do these fixtures enhance the aesthetic appeal of a living room?

These light fixtures serve as both functional and decorative elements, adding warmth, elegance, and character to a space. Their thoughtfully designed forms create visual interest, complement furniture and décor, and contribute to a sophisticated and inviting ambiance.

How do these light fixtures blend traditional and modern design elements?

These fixtures seamlessly combine traditional craftsmanship with contemporary aesthetics. Classic motifs, elegant curves, and heritage-inspired details are paired with sleek finishes, minimalist lines, and innovative lighting technology, making them ideal for both timeless and modern interiors.

Are these light fixtures compatible with smart home systems?

Yes, many of our living room light fixtures are compatible with smart home systems, allowing integration with voice-controlled assistants, dimmable settings, and remote operation. This enhances convenience and allows users to customize their lighting experience effortlessly.

How durable are these light fixtures and what is their expected lifespan?

Our fixtures are built with premium materials and expert craftsmanship, ensuring long-term durability. With proper maintenance, they can last for decades, making them a reliable and elegant addition to any home. Many designs feature high-quality finishes that resist wear and fading over time.

What is the installation process for these light fixtures?

Installation is straightforward, with most fixtures designed for standard ceiling mounts. However, for larger or more intricate designs, professional installation is recommended to ensure safety and proper functionality. Detailed installation instructions are provided with each fixture.

What makes these light fixtures a worthwhile investment for high-net-worth individuals?

With timeless designs, superior craftsmanship, and luxurious materials, these light fixtures are more than just lighting solutions—they are statement pieces that enhance the overall value of a home. Their blend of exclusivity, durability, and aesthetic appeal makes them a smart investment for those seeking high-end home décor.

Discover the Charm of Living Room Lighting

Discover a new standard of luxury with living room light fixtures. Each piece is meticulously crafted with premium materials like solid brass, glass, and wood, ensuring durability and aesthetic appeal. Inspired by heritage design, our living room light fixtures seamlessly blend traditional artistry with modern sophistication. Whether you want to illuminate your space or add a touch of elegance, our collection offers a refined selection to complement any home. Perfect for homeowners, interior designers, and luxury builders, these living room light fixtures are more than just fixtures—they are heirloom-quality investments. Elevate your home with thoughtfully designed living room light fixtures that add warmth, character, and a sense of history. Experience the perfect balance of beauty and function, crafted to stand the test of time. Explore our curated selection and find the perfect living room light fixtures to enrich your space with enduring style and sophistication.

Why Choose Living Room Lighting?

Living Room Lighting offers a unique blend of style, functionality, and versatility. Each piece is designed to enhance your space and reflect your taste. Whether your interior style leans towards modern minimalism or rustic charm, living room lighting provides options to match your vision.

Key Features of Living Room Lighting

  • Premium materials and craftsmanship
  • Variety of styles to suit different tastes
  • Easy integration into existing décor
  • Designed for durability and lasting appeal

Integrating Living Room Lighting Into Your Home

Whether you're redecorating your entire home or updating a single room, living room lighting can effortlessly complement various interiors. Here are a few ideas to integrate these fixtures:

  • Use them as focal points in living rooms or dining areas
  • Create stylish accents in bedrooms or entryways
  • Combine them with fixtures from related collections to enhance visual interest

Explore Related Collections

To fully realize your interior design vision, consider pairing living room lighting with pieces from our related collections:

Care and Maintenance Tips

To maintain the elegance and functionality of your Living Room Light Fixtures, follow these simple tips:

  • Regularly dust and clean with a soft cloth
  • Avoid harsh cleaning agents that could damage finishes
  • Schedule routine inspections for fixtures with electrical components

Final Thoughts

Living Room Light Fixtures from Residence Supply is designed to elevate your home décor with timeless beauty and modern functionality. Explore our collection today to find the perfect fixtures for your space.