Light Fixtures | Residence Supply
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  • Lámpara colgante Faven

    $250.00 $720.00 $250.00 - $720.00

    LÁMPARA CON MANO DE OBRA DE ALTA GAMA Y ATENCIÓN METICULOSA AL DETALLE QUE DESTACA Cualquier espacio recibe un toque atractivo con el Faven Candela...

    Ver todos los detalles
    $250.00 $720.00 $250.00 - $720.00
  • Lámpara colgante Fulberto

    $430.00 $900.00 $430.00 - $900.00

    UNA MEZCLA PERFECTA DE ESTÉTICA CONTEMPORÁNEA Y MINIMALISMO La lámpara colgante Fulbert añade un toque elegante a cualquier habitación. Fabricada e...

    Ver todos los detalles
    $430.00 $900.00 $430.00 - $900.00
  • Lámpara colgante esbelta

    $500.00 $1,230.00 $500.00 - $1,230.00

     CON ESTA ELEGANTE LÁMPARA COLGANTE, HAGA UNA DECLARACIÓN EN SU ESPACIO La lámpara colgante Svelte está elaborada en madera de nogal negro o fresno...

    Ver todos los detalles
    $500.00 $1,230.00 $500.00 - $1,230.00
  • Lámpara de techo Delfos

    $130.00 $230.00 $130.00 - $230.00

    CON ESTAS LUCES DE TECHO, PUEDES AGREGAR ELEGANCIA A LA DECORACIÓN DE TU HOGAR Cualquier habitación de tu hogar se beneficiará de la luz y la belle...

    Ver todos los detalles
    $130.00 $230.00 $130.00 - $230.00
  • Lámpara colgante Rangeen

    $360.00 $360.00

    UNA MEZCLA PERFECTA DE ELEGANCIA MÍNIMA Y SOFISTICACIÓN La lámpara colgante Rangeen ofrece un ambiente elegante y chic a cualquier espacio. Destaca...

    Ver todos los detalles
    $360.00 $360.00
  • Lámpara de pared Aine

    $300.00 $300.00


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    $300.00 $300.00
  • Lámpara colgante Laetus

    $63.00 $63.00

    ILUMINA TU HOGAR CON VIBRANCIA Y BELLEZA MODERNA La lámpara colgante Laetus está disponible en una asombrosa variedad de acabados coloridos. La inn...

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    $63.00 $63.00
  • Lámpara colgante Colorato

    $29.00 $220.00 $29.00 - $220.00


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    $29.00 $220.00 $29.00 - $220.00
    Ahorre hasta 12% Ahorre %
  • Araña Avira

    $850.00 $1,260.00 $850.00 - $1,260.00

    UNA HERMOSA SOLUCIÓN DE ILUMINACIÓN PARA HOGARES MODERNOS La lámpara de araña Avira , caracterizada por su hermoso equilibrio entre rigidez y liger...

    Ver todos los detalles
    $850.00 $1,260.00 $850.00 - $1,260.00
  • Lámpara colgante Madera

    $520.00 $520.00

    ESTE COLGANTE DE LUZ RÚSTICO LLAMA LA ATENCIÓN EN CUALQUIER ENTORNO  La lámpara colgante Madera es mucho más que una mera fuente de iluminación. Es...

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    $520.00 $520.00
  • Lámpara de pared Mireille

    $240.00 $240.00

    UN INICIAL DE CONVERSACIÓN DEFINITIVA PARA CUALQUIER INTERIOR DE CASA La Mireille Lámpara de pared presenta una forma geométrica estilizada, unific...

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    $240.00 $240.00
  • Lámpara de mesa con quemador de incienso Tranquil

    $330.00 $330.00

    UNA FORMA LIMPIA Y NATURAL DE INTRODUCIR TRANQUILIDAD Y SILENCIO EN TU ESPACIO El quemador de incienso Tranquil es una lámpara de mesa y un quemado...

    Ver todos los detalles
    $330.00 $330.00
    Ahorre 17% Ahorre %
  • Lámpara de mesa Giada

    $200.00 $220.00 $200.00 - $220.00

    LA OPCIÓN DE ILUMINACIÓN IDEAL PARA VIgorizar CUALQUIER ESPACIO Elegantemente diseñada con un estilo medieval, la Giada Lámpara de mesa es una sorp...

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    $200.00 $220.00 $200.00 - $220.00
  • Lámpara de pie giratoria moderna

    $860.00 $1,530.00 $860.00 - $1,530.00

    ¿ESTÁS BUSCANDO MEJORAR TU DECORACIÓN MODERNA? Nuestra lámpara de pie Modern Twist manipula la luz para crear hermosas sombras y un brillo suave p...

    Ver todos los detalles
    $860.00 $1,530.00 $860.00 - $1,530.00
    Ahorre hasta 45% Ahorre %
  • Zenic Lamp

    $560.00 $1,260.00 $560.00 - $1,260.00

    ZENIC - A Touch Of Natural Elegance Zenic Lamp is a stylish and functional light fixture made from fabric and wood. It features a sleek design ...

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    $560.00 $1,260.00 $560.00 - $1,260.00
  • Lámpara de mesa con quemador de incienso Celestial Monk

    $32.00 $400.00 $32.00 - $400.00

    CREA UN AURA PACÍFICA Y ESPIRITUAL MIENTRAS QUEMAS INCIENSO El Quemador de Incienso Celestial Monk es una lámpara de mesa y un quemador de incienso...

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    $32.00 $400.00 $32.00 - $400.00
    Ahorre hasta 57% Ahorre %
  • Lámpara de pared Gracia

    $70.00 $100.00 $70.00 - $100.00

    UNA LUMINARIA QUE OTORGA A CUALQUIER ESPACIO LA ELEGANCIA QUE REALMENTE DESEA Mínima y moderna, la lámpara de pared Grace emana con gracia un ambie...

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    $70.00 $100.00 $70.00 - $100.00
  • Lámpara de mesa de hombre mecánico

    $120.00 $140.00 $120.00 - $140.00


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    $120.00 $140.00 $120.00 - $140.00
  • Zalaph Chandelier

    $550.00 $2,670.00 $550.00 - $2,670.00

    Zalaph - Perfect Synthesis of Uniqness, Style, and Sophistication The Zalaph Chandelier is a stunning lighting fixture crafted with multiple acryl...

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    $550.00 $2,670.00 $550.00 - $2,670.00
  • Qanat Ceiling Light

    $37.00 $280.00 $37.00 - $280.00

    BRIGHTEN EVERY CORNER,YOUR'S LIGHTED HAVEN Brighten up your living room, hallway, or bedroom with our Qanat Ceiling Light! This modern...

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    $37.00 $280.00 $37.00 - $280.00
  • Chime Chandlier

    $1,070.00 $1,960.00 $1,070.00 - $1,960.00

    Chime - Illuminate Your Space With An Attractive Ambiance   The Chime chandelier is a beautifully crafted light fixture made from dur...

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    $1,070.00 $1,960.00 $1,070.00 - $1,960.00
  • Lámpara colgante Arona

    $530.00 $530.00

    ¡DÉ UN ENCANTO CAPRICHOSO A TU HOGAR! Arona La lámpara colgante es una gota de luz colorida con un diseño único que le da a su espacio un toque de ...

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    $530.00 $530.00
  • Lámpara de mesa Arbre

    $290.00 $340.00 $290.00 - $340.00

     LA COMBINACIÓN PERFECTA DE BELLEZA Y FUNCIONALIDAD ES ESTA IMPRESIONANTE LÁMPARA Excelente usabilidad y diseño elegante definen la lámpara de mesa...

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    $290.00 $340.00 $290.00 - $340.00
  • Lámpara colgante de barril

    $210.00 $420.00 $210.00 - $420.00

    Este artículo se envía y llega dentro de los 7 días hábiles dentro de los EE. UU. Todos los demás países seguirán los tiempos de envío estándar. UN...

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    $210.00 $420.00 $210.00 - $420.00
  • Lámpara colgante Cucurbita

    $160.00 $640.00 $160.00 - $640.00

    SIMPLEMENTE TE ENCANTARÁ EL AMBIENTE TRANQUILO Y RELAJANTE QUE EMANA ESTA LÁMPARA En cualquier entorno contemporáneo, la lámpara colgante Cucurbita...

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    $160.00 $640.00 $160.00 - $640.00
  • Ruth Pendant Light

    $560.00 $920.00 $560.00 - $920.00

    CAPTIVATE YOUR SENSES WITH ALLURING LIGHT AND WOODEN BRILLIANCE The Ruth Pendant Light brings a touch of nature's elegance to your restaurant, bar,...

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    $560.00 $920.00 $560.00 - $920.00
  • Acer Floor Lamp

    $420.00 $800.00 $420.00 - $800.00

    Acer - A Sophisticated Lighting Choice   Meet the stylish Wood Tripod Lamp with a chic Black Acrylic Lamp Shade—a perfect fit for toda...

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    $420.00 $800.00 $420.00 - $800.00
  • Alorium Ceiling Light

    $200.00 $200.00

    Alorium - Perfect For Enhancing Any Space Alorium ceiling light fixture combines natural Yellow Travertine and wood in two distinct designs, each a...

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    $200.00 $200.00
  • Nawa Ceiling Light

    $140.00 $260.00 $140.00 - $260.00

    Nawa - LED Support, Cozy Diffusion, Wooden Plate for Elegant Lighting   The Nawa Ceiling Light is a sleek light fixture combining wood, glass, an...

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    $140.00 $260.00 $140.00 - $260.00
  • Svelora Pendant Light

    $170.00 $220.00 $170.00 - $220.00

    SVELORAElegant Lighting Redefined: Seamless Blend Of Nature And Modern Design The Svelora Pendant Light boasts a sleek conical design crafted ...

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    $170.00 $220.00 $170.00 - $220.00
  • Lámpara colgante Cocoon de ratán tejida a mano

    $120.00 $190.00 $120.00 - $190.00

    La sostenibilidad y el diseño se unen Invite una apariencia natural y terrosa a su cocina, oficina o entrada con el colgante Cocoon de ratán tejido...

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    $120.00 $190.00 $120.00 - $190.00
    Ahorre hasta 33% Ahorre %
  • Luz con sensor de movimiento Eydis

    $59.00 $59.00

    LA ÚLTIMA SOLUCIÓN DE ILUMINACIÓN VERSÁTIL Y MODERNA  Lleve la iluminación de su hogar al siguiente nivel con la luz con sensor de movimiento Eydis...

    Ver todos los detalles
    $59.00 $59.00
  • Lámpara colgante Pixie

    $320.00 $320.00

    TRANSFORMA CUALQUIER ESPACIO CON UN AMBIENTE MARAVILLOSO Y UN ESTILO ALEGRE Pixie La lámpara colgante es una lámpara única con un diseño elegante y...

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    $320.00 $320.00
  • Dewar Wall Lamp

    $17.00 $62.00 $17.00 - $62.00

    VINTAGE VIBES, MODERN GLOW Brighten up your space with the Dewar Wall Lamp! This retro wood wall lamp adds a touch of vintage charm to any room. Wi...

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    $17.00 $62.00 $17.00 - $62.00
  • Kroki Table Lamp

    $450.00 $460.00 $450.00 - $460.00

    Kroki - Illuminate Your Space with a Soft, Ambient Glow Kroki Table Lamp blends Japanese design with modern flair. The lamp's wooden base adds a...

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    $450.00 $460.00 $450.00 - $460.00
  • Menra Pendant Light

    $255.00 $255.00

    Menra - Warm Illumination and A Stylish Accent Menra pendant light is an elegant light fixture crafted from natural Yellow Travertine and wood,...

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    $255.00 $255.00
  • Stellis Pendant Light

    $360.00 $360.00

    SETLLISAdds A Touch Of Natural Elegance To Any Space The Stellis Pendant Light is a sleek light fixture crafted with a combination of natural ...

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    $360.00 $360.00
  • Julius Bedside Reading Lamp

    $270.00 $300.00 $270.00 - $300.00

    JULIUSProvides Focused, Adjustable Lighting For Reading Or Tasks The Julius Bedside Reading Lamp features a sleek copper lamp head paired with a...

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    $270.00 $300.00 $270.00 - $300.00
  • Lámpara colgante Auma

    $520.00 $650.00 $520.00 - $650.00

    ESTE COLGANTE VERDADERAMENTE ÚNICO ANIMARÁ LA ATMÓSFERA DE TU HOGAR La Auma Lámpara Colgante presenta un difusor semiesférico de vidrio soplado bla...

    Ver todos los detalles
    $520.00 $650.00 $520.00 - $650.00
  • Lámpara colgante Bodhi

    $250.00 $860.00 $250.00 - $860.00

    CAPACITA A TUS INVITADOS Y TRANSFORMA TU MORADA EN UN ESPACIO INOLVIDABLE Bodhi La lámpara colgante es una pieza decorativa atemporal elaborada con...

    Ver todos los detalles
    $250.00 $860.00 $250.00 - $860.00
  • Lámpara de pared Ica

    $38.00 $110.00 $38.00 - $110.00

    ABRAZA EL EPÍTOMO DE ESTILO Y FUNCIONALIDAD La lámpara de pared Ica es una fusión perfecta de elegancia atemporal y diseño moderno. Fabricada en ma...

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    $38.00 $110.00 $38.00 - $110.00
  • Sema Ceiling Fan

    $490.00 $520.00 $490.00 - $520.00

    SAY HELLO TO A SOOTHING AMBIANCE THAT SETS THE MOOD JUST RIGHT The Sema Ceiling Fan is not just a fan; it's a contemporary masterpiece that effortl...

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    $490.00 $520.00 $490.00 - $520.00
  • Bayu Ceiling Fan

    $480.00 $500.00 $480.00 - $500.00

    INDUCE EFFICIENT AIR CIRCULATION AND SEAMLESS ILLUMINATION Enliven your space with the Bayu Ceiling Fan, a truly distinctive and contemporary addit...

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    $480.00 $500.00 $480.00 - $500.00
  • Aluria Travertine Wall Lamp

    $160.00 $160.00

    ALURIAServing As A Stylish Decorative Accent AluriaTravertine Wall Lamp offers a sophisticated fusion of natural materials, making it an ideal ch...

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    $160.00 $160.00
  • Belmo Pendant Light

    $200.00 $200.00

    Belmo - Elegance with Natural Travertine Texture The Belmo Pendant Light is a unique fixture crafted from cement, embodying the Wabi Sabi aest...

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    $200.00 $200.00
  • Palermo Pendant Light

    $200.00 $200.00

    Palermo - Natural Elegance And Sophistication The Palermo Pendant Light is a minimalist light fixture crafted from yellow travertine, compleme...

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    $200.00 $200.00
  • Linterna de suelo Akio

    $270.00 $640.00 $270.00 - $640.00

    ILUMINA TU INTERIOR CON ELEGANCIA Y ESTILO DISCRETOS Infunda a su hogar un ambiente tranquilo y agradable con la lámpara de piso Akio. Resalta una ...

    Ver todos los detalles
    $270.00 $640.00 $270.00 - $640.00
  • Solvaana Floor Lamp With Side Table

    $1,160.00 $1,160.00

    Solvaana - Blend Lighting and Functionality The Solvanna Floor Lamp with Side Table combines function and style with its sleek wooden frame and fa...

    Ver todos los detalles
    $1,160.00 $1,160.00

Frequently Asked Questions

What materials are used in the construction of these light fixtures?

Our light fixtures are crafted from high-quality materials such as metal, glass, acrylic, and premium finishes to ensure durability, aesthetic appeal, and long-lasting performance.

What are the dimensions of the light fixtures?

The dimensions vary by design, with a range of standard sizes available to fit different spaces. Customizable options may also be available upon request.

Are the light fixtures suitable for both indoor and outdoor use?

Most of our fixtures are designed for indoor use, but some models may be suitable for outdoor installation. Please check individual product details for IP ratings and weather resistance.

How do these light fixtures add value to a luxury home?

Our fixtures enhance the ambiance of any space by providing elegant lighting, premium materials, and sophisticated designs, making them perfect for high-end homes and luxury interiors.

What maintenance is required to keep these light fixtures in optimal condition?

Regular dusting with a soft cloth, avoiding harsh chemicals, and periodic bulb replacement will help maintain the longevity and appearance of your light fixtures.

Are these light fixtures compatible with standard home electrical systems?

Yes, all our light fixtures are designed to be compatible with standard home electrical systems (90-260V) and can be easily installed in residential and commercial settings.

How do these light fixtures blend traditional and modern design elements?

Our collection seamlessly combines classic craftsmanship with contemporary aesthetics, offering timeless pieces that complement both traditional and modern interiors.

What is the expected lifespan of these light fixtures?

With high-quality construction and proper maintenance, our light fixtures can last for several years to decades, making them a reliable and valuable investment.

Can these light fixtures be customized to fit specific design needs?

Yes, we offer customization options on select models, including size, finishes, and light source compatibility, allowing you to tailor the fixtures to your design vision.

Are there any installation services available for these light fixtures?

While our fixtures come with detailed installation instructions, we recommend hiring a licensed electrician for professional installation. Some regions may also have installation services available—please inquire for details.

Discover the Charm of Light Fixtures

Indulge in the beauty of light fixtures. Each piece is meticulously crafted with premium materials like solid brass, glass, and wood, ensuring durability and aesthetic appeal. Inspired by heritage design, our light fixtures seamlessly blend traditional artistry with modern sophistication. Whether you want to illuminate your space or add a touch of elegance, our collection offers a refined selection to complement any home. Perfect for homeowners, interior designers, and luxury builders, these light fixtures are more than just fixtures—they are heirloom-quality investments. Elevate your home with thoughtfully designed light fixtures that add warmth, character, and a sense of history. Experience the perfect balance of beauty and function, crafted to stand the test of time. Explore our curated selection and find the perfect light fixtures to enrich your space with enduring style and sophistication.

Why Choose Light Fixtures?

Light Fixtures offers a unique blend of style, functionality, and versatility. Each piece is designed to enhance your space and reflect your taste. Whether your interior style leans towards modern minimalism or rustic charm, light fixtures provide options to match your vision.

Key Features of Light Fixtures

  • Premium materials and craftsmanship
  • Variety of styles to suit different tastes
  • Easy integration into existing décor
  • Designed for durability and lasting appeal

Integrating Light Fixtures Into Your Home

Whether you're redecorating your entire home or updating a single room, light fixtures can effortlessly complement various interiors. Here are a few ideas to integrate these fixtures:

  • Use them as focal points in living rooms or dining areas
  • Create stylish accents in bedrooms or entryways
  • Combine them with fixtures from related collections to enhance visual interest

Explore Related Collections

To fully realize your interior design vision, consider pairing light fixtures with pieces from our related collections:

Care and Maintenance Tips

To maintain the elegance and functionality of your Light Fixtures, follow these simple tips:

  • Regularly dust and clean with a soft cloth
  • Avoid harsh cleaning agents that could damage finishes
  • Schedule routine inspections for fixtures with electrical components

Final Thoughts

Light Fixtures from Residence Supply are designed to elevate your home décor with timeless beauty and modern functionality. Explore our collection today to find the perfect fixtures for your space.