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  • Sakhra Round Alabaster Chandelier

    $1,440.00 $5,220.00 $1,440.00 - $5,220.00

    Sakhra - Provides Soft And Warm Illumination While Showcasing The Natural Beauty This Chandelier highlights natural beauty and minimalist design. I...

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    $1,440.00 $5,220.00 $1,440.00 - $5,220.00
  • Araña de burbujas

    $660.00 $920.00 $660.00 - $920.00


    Ver todos los detalles
    $660.00 $920.00 $660.00 - $920.00
  • Araña Funale

    $260.00 $920.00 $260.00 - $920.00

    TE PRESENTAMOS AL PINÁCULO DEL GLAMOUR Y LA OPULENCIA Compacto pero majestuoso, el candelabro Funale , con su estructura de vela invertida, es una ...

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    $260.00 $920.00 $260.00 - $920.00
    Ahorre hasta 37% Ahorre %
  • Basit Metal Chandelier

    $480.00 $480.00

    AESTHETIC SYMPHONY Light up your living room in style with the Basit Metal Chandelier. This modern pendant light adds a touch of elegance to any ro...

    Ver todos los detalles
    $480.00 $480.00
  • Araña floritura

    $430.00 $470.00 $430.00 - $470.00

    AGREGA UN TOQUE DINÁMICO AL ESPACIO CON ESTA LÁMPARA ELEGANTE, PRÁCTICA Y CONTEMPORÁNEA La Curlicue candelabro idealmente acentuaría cualquier habi...

    Ver todos los detalles
    $430.00 $470.00 $430.00 - $470.00
  • Lámpara Arvore

    $670.00 $13,790.00 $670.00 - $13,790.00

    LA ELEGANCIA NATURAL DE ESTA LÁMPARA HARÁ LAS DELICIAS EN TU ESPACIO Con su diseño extraído de la naturaleza, Arvore Chandelier representa el espír...

    Ver todos los detalles
    $670.00 $13,790.00 $670.00 - $13,790.00
  • Ryker Chandelier

    $480.00 $640.00 $480.00 - $640.00

    Ryker - Luminous Finesse That Shapes Your Home's Aura   The Ryker Chandelier offers an ideal solution for meeting both your aesthetic and practical...

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    $480.00 $640.00 $480.00 - $640.00
  • Lámpara de araña Vanna

    $220.00 $950.00 $220.00 - $950.00

    CREA UN AMBIENTE INOLVIDABLE CON EL ENCANTADOR ATRACTIVO DE ESTA LÁMPARA Libera la esencia de la elegancia con la lámpara de araña Vanna. Su diseño...

    Ver todos los detalles
    $220.00 $950.00 $220.00 - $950.00
  • Araña de diente de león

    $350.00 $530.00 $350.00 - $530.00

    AGREGUE UN GLITZ CLÁSICO PERO CONTEMPORÁNEO A SU SALA, COMEDOR Y MÁS ALLÁ Con su opulenta elegancia, el Dandelion Chandelier le dará a su decoració...

    Ver todos los detalles
    $350.00 $530.00 $350.00 - $530.00
  • Lámpara de araña Rabiah

    $810.00 $1,050.00 $810.00 - $1,050.00

    DONDE EL ESPLENDOR Y EL ENCANTO CONVERGEN EN UNA ARMONÍA FASCINANTE La lámpara de araña Rabiah es una declaración impresionante para el interior de...

    Ver todos los detalles
    $810.00 $1,050.00 $810.00 - $1,050.00
  • Araña de cristal

    $610.00 $820.00 $610.00 - $820.00

    ESTA LÁMPARA HARÁ QUE TU ESPACIO VIVIENTE SEA REAL La Kristal Candelabro añade un toque de glamour elegante a su espacio interior con sus lámparas ...

    Ver todos los detalles
    $610.00 $820.00 $610.00 - $820.00
  • Representar lámpara de araña

    $300.00 $380.00 $300.00 - $380.00

    ¡AGREGA UN LOOK DE DISEÑADOR MODERNO A CUALQUIER HABITACIÓN QUE QUIERAS! La luz brilla desde la estructura metálica geométrica del Depict Candelab...

    Ver todos los detalles
    $300.00 $380.00 $300.00 - $380.00
  • Araña de balas

    $810.00 $2,700.00 $810.00 - $2,700.00

    ESTA LLAMATIVA LLAMATIVA HARÁ QUE TU INTERIOR SEA GLAMOROSO  El candelabro Bales añade un toque de lujo a su espacio sin dejar de ser elegante y pr...

    Ver todos los detalles
    $810.00 $2,700.00 $810.00 - $2,700.00
  • Eikon Chandelier

    $1,430.00 $3,560.00 $1,430.00 - $3,560.00

    EIKONCreates A Soft And Ambient Glow Within Spaces Our chandelier showcases hand-raked glass panels set within a sleek metal frame. These panels cr...

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    $1,430.00 $3,560.00 $1,430.00 - $3,560.00
  • Cynosura Chandelier Light

    $690.00 $940.00 $690.00 - $940.00

    CYNOSURA Illuminate your Space with Sophistication and Elegance Upgrade your home decor with our Modern Cynosura Chandelier Light stylishly des...

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    $690.00 $940.00 $690.00 - $940.00
  • Libbu Chandelier

    $1,420.00 $1,910.00 $1,420.00 - $1,910.00

    Libbu - A Touch Of Luxury   Libbu chandelier has a metal frame with acrylic heads, available in 6 and 8-head versions. It comes in two colors, ...

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    $1,420.00 $1,910.00 $1,420.00 - $1,910.00
  • Eurusis Linear Chandelier

    $580.00 $940.00 $580.00 - $940.00

    EURUSISTransform Spaces with Lumina Chic Modern Elegant Brilliance Elevate your home with our modern Eurusis Linear Chandelier, designe...

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    $580.00 $940.00 $580.00 - $940.00
  • Eikon 2-Tier Chandelier

    $2,020.00 $4,950.00 $2,020.00 - $4,950.00

    EIKONCreates A Soft And Ambient Glow Within Spaces Our chandelier showcases hand-raked glass panels set within a sleek metal frame. These panels cr...

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    $2,020.00 $4,950.00 $2,020.00 - $4,950.00
  • Eithne Chandelier

    $1,640.00 $5,070.00 $1,640.00 - $5,070.00

    Eithne - Contemporary Design and Captivating LED Illumination The Eithne Chandelier is crafted from premium iron, meticulously cut, and expertly jo...

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    $1,640.00 $5,070.00 $1,640.00 - $5,070.00
  • NordLite Chandelier

    $590.00 $590.00

    TRANSFORM YOUR SPACES WITH NORDIC SIMPLICITY AND CONTEMPORARY ILLUMINATION Unveiling the NordLite Modern Chandelier—a culmination of Scandinavian ...

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    $590.00 $590.00
  • Araña Caixa

    $1,540.00 $2,640.00 $1,540.00 - $2,640.00


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    $1,540.00 $2,640.00 $1,540.00 - $2,640.00
  • Lámpara de araña Danica

    $960.00 $2,090.00 $960.00 - $2,090.00

    UNA PIEZA EXQUISITAMENTE DETALLADA QUE LLENA LA HABITACIÓN CON UN RESPLANDOR ETERÉREO La impresionantemente magnífica Danica Chandelier personifica...

    Ver todos los detalles
    $960.00 $2,090.00 $960.00 - $2,090.00
  • Reverie Chandelier Light

    $490.00 $1,250.00 $490.00 - $1,250.00

    REVERIE Illuminate and Adorn Spaces with Modern Elegance Upgrade your home with our Reverie Chandelier Light designed to effor...

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    $490.00 $1,250.00 $490.00 - $1,250.00
  • Lucernae Linear Chandelier

    $410.00 $1,120.00 $410.00 - $1,120.00

    LUCERNAETransform Your Living Spaces into a Sanctuary of Contemporary Introducing Lucernae Linear Chandelier for your home. These lamps ...

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    $410.00 $1,120.00 $410.00 - $1,120.00
  • Araña Lenora

    $2,970.00 $5,310.00 $2,970.00 - $5,310.00

     ESTA LUJOSA LÁMPARA DE CRISTAL AGREGARÁ ESE ELEMENTO WOW MUY NECESARIO A TU ESPACIO La Lenora Chandelier es un sofisticado accesorio de iluminació...

    Ver todos los detalles
    $2,970.00 $5,310.00 $2,970.00 - $5,310.00
  • Noros Round Chandelier

    $580.00 $580.00

    NOROSTransforms Spaces With Elegant Design And Warm Glow The Noros Round Chandelier combines a sturdy iron frame with ribbed glass panels in a soph...

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    $580.00 $580.00
  • Nivara Chandelier

    $220.00 $4,010.00 $220.00 - $4,010.00

    NIVARACrystal & Stainless Steel Design The Nivara Chandelier combines modern luxury with timeless elegance, featuring a rectangular and ci...

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    $220.00 $4,010.00 $220.00 - $4,010.00
  • Opaline Chandelier

    $790.00 $2,675.00 $790.00 - $2,675.00

    OPALINEProvides Elegant & Ambient Lighting To Your Space Opaline chandelier is a modern light fixture featuring dual concentric rings crafted...

    Ver todos los detalles
    $790.00 $2,675.00 $790.00 - $2,675.00
  • Idaya Chandelier

    $690.00 $840.00 $690.00 - $840.00

    IDAYAProvides Stylish And Modern Ambient Lighting Idaya chandelier is made from metal and PVC, featuring a modern design with a cluster of spheri...

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    $690.00 $840.00 $690.00 - $840.00
  • Kadini Chandelier

    $470.00 $1,050.00 $470.00 - $1,050.00

    KADINIAdds Vintage Charm And Organic Beauty To Any Space Kadini Chandelier brings warmth and vintage vibes to your space. The exposed wood fra...

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    $470.00 $1,050.00 $470.00 - $1,050.00
  • Josak Chandelier

    $2,550.00 $3,480.00 $2,550.00 - $3,480.00

    JOSAKAmbient Lighting With Colorful Agate Josak Chandelier lights up your space with style. Colorful agate slices bloom like a dandelion from ...

    Ver todos los detalles
    $2,550.00 $3,480.00 $2,550.00 - $3,480.00
  • Obscur Chandelier

    $530.00 $740.00 $530.00 - $740.00

    OBSCURCombines Functionality and Artistry in Lighting Brighten your home with this stunning modern chandelier. It features sleek metal bars inter...

    Ver todos los detalles
    $530.00 $740.00 $530.00 - $740.00
  • Insula Chandelier

    $380.00 $1,890.00 $380.00 - $1,890.00

    INSULAServes As A Creative Centerpiece In Any Space Insula chandelier showcases a striking modern design with geometric precision, making it a st...

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    $380.00 $1,890.00 $380.00 - $1,890.00
  • Agatha Chandelier

    $630.00 $1,450.00 $630.00 - $1,450.00

    REVAMP YOUR SPACE WITH EFFORTLESS ELEGANCE AND RADIANT CHARM Immerse yourself in opulent luxury as the exquisite Agatha Chandelier transforms your ...

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    $630.00 $1,450.00 $630.00 - $1,450.00
  • Duskara Chandeliers Light

    $3,280.00 $3,280.00

    DUSKARAElegant Illumination for Versatile Interiors Introducing the "Duskara Chandeliers Light" chandelier collection – a blend of classic charm ...

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    $3,280.00 $3,280.00
  • Aitu Round Chandelier

    $440.00 $530.00 $440.00 - $530.00

    Aitu - Illuminate Spaces with Elegant, Energy-Efficient Brilliance The Aitu Round Chandeliers combine elegance and functionality, making them ide...

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    $440.00 $530.00 $440.00 - $530.00
  • Kuxtal Indoor Chandelier

    $1,460.00 $6,270.00 $1,460.00 - $6,270.00

    KUXTAL Elevates And Complements the Overall Aesthetics This Kuxtal Indoor Chandelier is a stylish mix of modern design and simplicity, p...

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    $1,460.00 $6,270.00 $1,460.00 - $6,270.00
  • Fanaan Chandelier

    $1,160.00 $1,480.00 $1,160.00 - $1,480.00

    TIMELESS ELEGANCE, MODERN TWIST Light up your space with our Fanaan Chandelier! Featuring 2023 American Retro Candles, this LED chandelier will add...

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    $1,160.00 $1,480.00 $1,160.00 - $1,480.00
  • Chris Crystal Round Chandelier

    $720.00 $960.00 $720.00 - $960.00

    TIMELESS ELEGANCE, CRYSTAL-CLAD BRILLIANCE The Chris Chandelier brings opulence and glamour to any space with its Stainless Steel metal frame and l...

    Ver todos los detalles
    $720.00 $960.00 $720.00 - $960.00
  • Amara Linear Chandelier

    $12,800.00 $12,800.00

    ELEVATE YOUR SPACE TO NEW HEIGHTS WITH A LUXURIOUS BRILLIANCE The Amara Linear Chandelier is an exclusive addition to any space, with its modern a...

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    $12,800.00 $12,800.00
  • Amara Round Chandelier

    $5,320.00 $11,040.00 $5,320.00 - $11,040.00

    Amara - A Statement of Sophistication   The Amara Round Chandelier is an exclusive addition to any space, with its modern and unique steel construc...

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    $5,320.00 $11,040.00 $5,320.00 - $11,040.00
  • Centrum Round Alabaster Chandelier

    $1,690.00 $1,690.00

    CENTRUMProvides Captivating Illumination And Aesthetic Appeal It has a lovely cloud stone frame that is both elegant and mysterious. The swirling p...

    Ver todos los detalles
    $1,690.00 $1,690.00
  • Sakhra Alabaster Linear Chandelier

    $3,100.00 $6,650.00 $3,100.00 - $6,650.00

    SAKHRAProvides Soft And Warm Illumination While Showcasing The Natural Beauty This Chandelier highlights natural beauty and minimalist design. It f...

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    $3,100.00 $6,650.00 $3,100.00 - $6,650.00
  • Assuwa Chandelier

    $5,610.00 $5,610.00

    ASSUWAEnhances Ambiance & Aesthetics In The Surrounding Space This Chandelier light is made of strong Stainless Steel and crystal glass, combin...

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    $5,610.00 $5,610.00
  • Huan Alabaster Chandelier

    $3,710.00 $4,450.00 $3,710.00 - $4,450.00

    HUANAdds Elegance And Tranquility To Various Rooms In Your Home This fixture features a circular alabaster plate that emits a gentle glow, adding e...

    Ver todos los detalles
    $3,710.00 $4,450.00 $3,710.00 - $4,450.00
  • Tama Alabaster Chandelier Light

    $560.00 $7,060.00 $560.00 - $7,060.00

    TAMAServes As An Elegant Lighting Fixture This is crafted for staircases, and seamlessly blends eye-catching design with utility. Made from alabast...

    Ver todos los detalles
    $560.00 $7,060.00 $560.00 - $7,060.00
  • Caelum Alabaster Chandelier Light

    $5,610.00 $9,820.00 $5,610.00 - $9,820.00

    CAELUMIlluminates And Beautifies Your Living And Dining Spaces. A modern marvel that adds style and functionality to your home. Its design combines...

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    $5,610.00 $9,820.00 $5,610.00 - $9,820.00
  • Mariquita Chandelier

    $530.00 $1,180.00 $530.00 - $1,180.00

    Mariquita - A Lighting Masterpiece The Mariquita Chandelier boasts a meticulously crafted, sinuous design fashioned from top-tier aluminum, compl...

    Ver todos los detalles
    $530.00 $1,180.00 $530.00 - $1,180.00

Frequently Asked Questions

What makes these chandeliers heirloom-quality?

Each chandelier is forged using premium materials like solid brass and artisan-blown glass, ensuring it can be passed down through generations. Our craftsmen adhere to time-tested techniques for both durability and timeless appeal.

Are these fixtures suitable for modern renovations or only historical homes?

While our chandeliers are rooted in tradition, they blend seamlessly with various interiors—whether you’re restoring a classic estate or adding a touch of heritage to a contemporary residence.

Do you offer custom finishes or sizing?

Yes. Our custom program enables you to select alternate finishes, chain lengths, or special requests to perfectly suit your space. Typical lead times range between 15–30 days. Contact our team through live chat to get exact pricing and lead time.

Do you provide installation guidance or support?

We recommend hiring a qualified electrician, especially for grand foyer chandeliers or older homes. That said, we’re available 24/7 for any questions regarding assembly, mounting, or care.

Can chandeliers be dimmed?

Yes, many chandeliers can be dimmed if they are equipped with dimmable bulbs and connected to a compatible dimmer switch. Dimming your chandelier allows you to adjust the light intensity to create the desired ambiance.

How are these chandeliers inspired by old-world design?

We draw heavily from Mediterranean and Spanish Revival architecture, incorporating delicate scrollwork, ornate details, and warm metal finishes that echo historic European estates.

What type of bulbs can I use in these chandeliers?

Most are compatible with LED, incandescent, or CFL bulbs. We recommend warm-toned LEDs to highlight the brass patina and glass details, offering energy efficiency without compromising ambiance.

How should I clean and maintain my chandelier?

Gently dust the fixture with a soft cloth and use mild, non-abrasive cleaners. For deeper maintenance, carefully remove glass components or crystals to preserve their clarity and brilliance. Avoid harsh chemicals that may dull brass or delicate finishes.

Is there a warranty on these chandeliers?

Many of our handcrafted fixtures include a manufacturer’s warranty covering materials and workmanship. Consult our team for specifics on coverage.

How do I choose the right style of chandelier for my space?

Consider the overall decor of your room when choosing a chandelier. For traditional spaces, a crystal or ornate chandelier works well, while modern or minimalist spaces may benefit from sleek, geometric designs. Ensure the chandelier complements the room's furniture and finishes.

Handcrafted Heritage for Timeless Ambiance

At Residence Supply, our chandeliers are not mere fixtures—they're tributes to centuries-old Spanish Mediterranean craftsmanship. Each piece is forged using solid brass and artisan-blown glass, echoing the warmth and authenticity of historic homes. By blending legacy techniques with modern functionality, we offer heirloom-worthy chandeliers that illuminate spaces with a story worth telling.

Why Our Chandeliers Stand Out

We believe in tactile luxury: the weight of solid brass, the gentle sparkle of hand-finished glass, and the subtle patina that only grows richer with time. Each piece is crafted to transcend short-lived trends—creating an enduring focal point that celebrates heritage in any interior, whether you’re restoring a historic estate or infusing warmth into a modern remodel.

Choosing the Perfect Chandelier

Sizing & Proportions

To determine the right diameter, add the length and width of the room (in feet). Convert that total to inches for a rough chandelier width. For height, ensure at least seven feet of clearance in spaces with foot traffic—and a bit more if you have soaring ceilings or a grand foyer.

Style & Placement

While our chandeliers draw on old-world charm, they complement various décors—from rustic Mediterranean dining rooms to transitional living areas. Place larger, more ornate designs in entryways or dining spaces, where they can truly shine. In smaller rooms, a chandelier with fewer arms or a lower profile can still add elegance without overwhelming the space.

Lighting & Bulbs

Many fixtures support energy-efficient LED bulbs, which highlight the brass finish and glass details. Choose warmer color temperatures (around 2700K–3000K) for a cozy glow reminiscent of historic candlelit halls. If you enjoy ambiance control, opt for dimmer-compatible bulbs and switches.

Installation & Care

For safety, we recommend hiring a licensed electrician—especially for heavier, statement chandeliers. Occasional dusting with a soft cloth keeps brass radiant, and gentle glass cleaners maintain clarity. Over time, you’ll notice the brass aging gracefully, becoming a cherished testament to true craftsmanship.

Elevate Your Home with Enduring Beauty

A Residence Supply chandelier is more than a light source—it’s a celebration of heritage and artistry that merges past and present. Whether you’re drawn to intricate metalwork or the subtle glow of hand-blown glass, our collections promise to transform your home into a space that feels both authentic and timeless. Ready to find the perfect heirloom piece for your interior?